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My Life

By lmckeen
  • Birth

    Significant Adults: My mother
    Expectations: Succesful in future education and experiences
    Social/Political Events: Politcal unrest in my country Honduras
  • Graduation Day as an Elementary Teacher

    Graduation Day as an Elementary Teacher
    Significant Figures: My mother
    Expectations: Further my education beyond what Honduras's educational system offered for me
    Significant Social/Political Events: The Liberal Party won the elections. I was part a part of the Liberal party which meant that, since they had risen to ultimate politcial power, a job would be ensured for me in the education field.
  • Onward Bound

    Onward Bound
    I was accepted to go to the United States on a Student Visa so that I may further my education, primarely specifying in the special education field.
    Significant Figures: My mother and my aunt
    Expectations: My mother and family expected me to focus on my education and become professionally qualified to teach and represent my family and my future posterity.
    Significant Social/Political Events: N/A
  • Marriage

    Significant Figures: My husband
    Expectations: My husband expected me to learn English and assimilate myself into the American culture. My mother expected that I lead my husband, future posterity, and I into a happy ,loving marriage.
    Significant Social/Political Events: I got married.
  • Period: to

    My Four Children

    Significant Figures: My family and my husband
    Expectations: Be a good mother
    Important Social/Political Events: Twin Towers collapsing; stricter policies; reforms to education
  • Graduate from Chandler/ Gilbert

    Graduate from Chandler/ Gilbert
    Significant Firgures: My family and my mother
    Expectations: Continue on to ASU and graduate with a degree
  • Now

    Significant Figures: My family
    Expectations: Graduate this year with a Bachelor's in Educational Studies from ASU
    Social/Political Events: Obama's reforms to education