
My Life: A Psycological View Point

By kajarr
  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    I was born weighing 7lbs 5ounces. I was ready to take on the world!
  • The First 2 Years

    I was amazed by everything and everyone, expierencing "people preferance" [Cognitive] New babies spend most of their time sleeping, about 17 hours or more a day. I hardly get a third of that now a days! [Biosocial] At this age I started to become self aware. Realizing that I am a distinct individual with body, mind and actions that are separate from those of other people. [Psychosocial]
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

  • The Play Years

    I as most all children was very egocentric. Egocentrism is Piaget's term for children's tendency to think about the world entirely from their own personal perspective. [Cognitive] I discovered being left-handed, which now may give me better coordination. [Biosocial] Now I would say I am intrinsically movtivated, but as a child I ran off of extrinsic motivation. This is the need for rewards from outside, such as material possessions or someone else's esteem. [Psycosocial]
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • The School Years

    *This was a time when teachers and peers provided me with a bridge between my developmental potential and necessary skills and knowledge. [Cognitive]
    *At this age I was given aptitude tests, this mesures my potential to master a particular skill or learn a particular body of knowledge. [Biosocial]*Culture of Children theory which includes the particular rules and rituals that are passed down from slightly older children with out adult approval. This gave me independence from adults. [Psycho]
  • Period: to

    The School Years

  • Adolescence

    In the beginning of highschool I thought I was invincible, "invincibility fable." Now I know that not to be true. [Cognitive
    Puberty onsets, this is the time between the first on rush of hormones and full adult physical development. This can be an awkward time for kids, not so much for me though. [Biosocial] *This is the time where I was searching for my identity. I wanted a consistent definition of my self as a unique individual, in terms of roles, attitudes, beliefs and aspirations.[Psycho]
  • Period: to


  • Emerging Adulthood

    I find myself stereotyping people at times. A stereotype threat is the possibility that one's appearance or behavior will be misread to confirm another person's oversimplified perjudice attitudes. [Cognitive]
    Currently I am at my prime; strong, young and agile! [Biosocial]
    This the time when we all start building strong bonds and romances. Involving passion, intimacy, and commitment. [Psychosocial]
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Adulthood

    With age I hope to gain intuitive from my expierences. [Cognitive]
    I do not look forward to senescence. This is a gradual physical decline related to aging. This occurs to everyone in every body part, but the rate of decline is highly variable. [Biosocial]
    These 5 basic clusters of personality traits I can expect to generally stay the same: conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. [Psychosocial]
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  • Late Adulthood

    I may take interest in the arts, children and in human expierences as a whole. I'll be a "social witness" to life.[Cognitive] I hate being talked down to. Elder speak,is a condecending way of speaking to older adults that resembles baby talk, with simple and short sentences, esaggerated emphasis repitition, and a slower rate. [Biosocial] The positivity effect is the tendency for elderly people to remember positive images& expierences more than negative ones. [Psychosocial]
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Death

    This book can not really help me determine when I'm going to die. I'm so young anything could happen that will effect the length of my life. So I'll pick a fairly optimistc age and die at age 90.