My Life

  • My birth

    I was born on October 27, 1999 in Dothan, Alabama.
  • My Brother is born

    I have a twin who was born 10 minutes after I was.
  • My 1st Sister is born

    My sister, Victoria, is born on this of this year,
  • My youngest sister's birthday

    My 2nd sister, Lizzy, was born.
  • I start Elementary School

    In Hudson, Illinois, I attend a school named Hudson Elementary School.
  • I start Club Swimming

    After a while of doing practices and swimming for fun, I am able to swim on a competitive team.
  • I moved to Arizona

    My family moved to Arziona due to ym dad getting a new job in Gilbert, Arizona!
  • I swam Alcatraz

    I swam from Alcatraz to the SF Bay, a 1.4 Mile swim in freezing-cold water.
  • I begin Junior High School

    When I am in Arizona, I attend South Valley Junior High School.
  • I begin High School

    After I finish my time in Junior High, I move to High School and attend Campo Verde High School in Arizona.