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My Life

  • Birth

    I was born in November 1989 - barely made the 80's! I actually don't have any baby pictures of myself, so I picked one of the oldest that I have. I was born in Stockton. I have one brother, who is two and a half years older than me. My dad was busy taking my brother to get his cast taken off his arm when I was born! In fact, my mom went into labor on Thanksgiving, and the hospital kept sending her away, telling her she wasn't in labor! Oops!
  • Grandma Passed Away

    Grandma Passed Away
    My grandma was one of the most influential people in my young years. She encouraged a passion for reading in me that has lasted far longer than she was around. She is my greatest inspiration for continuing my education, consistently.
  • Harry Potter is Published

    Harry Potter is Published
    In the summer of 1997, the phenomenon of Harry Potter was in it's early stages of growth. The first Harry Potter book had been published, and magic was introduced to an entire generation of children. This story would become a large part of my life and interests and friendships over the next two decades.
  • Columbine

    While I know the Cleveland Elementary shooting here in Stockton pre-dates this event, this is the first school shooting I remember hearing about. This was the first time I was afraid to go to school. This was the first time I remembered crying over complete strangers. As a teacher, this incident, and so many more like it, are in the back of my mind every single day.
  • iPhone is Launched

    iPhone is Launched
    In 2007 the phone world as we knew it changed. While I did not have an iPhone when it originally released, the idea of having an instant computer in my pocket revolutionized my college years, and even my teaching life today.
  • First Tattoo!

    First Tattoo!
    I waited until I was 18, then I asked my dad if he'd prefer I got my nose pierced, or got a tattoo, if he had a choice. He responded that he didn't want me to get my nose pierced, because I had an allergy to sterling silver jewelry and he didn't want to have to take me to the ER to get it removed. A few days later, I walked into a tattoo studio and started a passion and hobby. The verse I chose was very special to me and my life.
  • Nephew Born

    Nephew Born
    In August 2010 my life changed forever when my nephew was born. He was the first family member I held as a baby. He was so smart, so handsome. He is still the joy in my life.
  • Pacific BA

    Pacific BA
    In 2012 I became the first person in my family to get a high school diploma in 4 generations. This was a massive deal, since it had been a goal of mine since I was small.
  • Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee

    Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee
    Queen Elizabeth is the longest reigning monarch, with over 60 years on the throne. It's incredible that this monarch has reigned, not just through my entire lifetime, but my parents as well.
  • Close Friend Passes Away

    Close Friend Passes Away
    In July 2015, I received a terrible text message that one of my best friends had passed away in a terrible car accident. I was at work, an hour from home. I went into shock. I couldn't drive. I couldn't do anything but cry. This friend got me through my bachelors degree and my masters degree. He encouraged me on my darkest days. We were supposed to get lunch a few days later - we had talked the night before. My life has never been the same.
  • Masters Degree!

    Masters Degree!
    In 2015 (well, 2014, but my thesis committee...) I achieved a lifelong dream of getting a Masters degree! I was lucky enough to attend USC -- without my parents buying my way in. Now to work off those student loans!
  • Started one.Program!

    Started one.Program!
    I never thought I would be a teacher! In 2015 I finished my Masters degree and I didn't want to commute to San Francisco to find a use for my degree, so I figured I'd take a shot at teaching.
  • Cubs Win the World Series!

    Cubs Win the World Series!
    I have a good friend who is a major Cubs fan. It was great to feed off of his excitement as the Cubs made their way to the World Series and WON for the first time in over 100 years! It was just so much fun to watch!
  • Met Chris

    Met Chris
    After a horrible, terrible divorce, I met someone who loves me unconditionally... at my best and at my worst, and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him.

    We drove, spur of the moment, up to Portland to be in the path of totality for the eclipse! It is a day I'll never forget, and one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen.