My life

By tsalefu
  • New Born

    New Born
    Major Stages of Development
    1. Physical
    2. Social
    3. Cognitive
  • Toddler

    Major Stages of Development This is the stage where I learned how to sit and crawl. Also a baby sense develops more and more each year.
    1. Social/Communication skills- A baby knows and reconize his/her mother.
    2. Learning process still growing and in progress
  • Pre-School Stage

    Pre-School Stage
    This is the stage where a child learns how to make new friends, create friendships, and others learn how to shape.
  • Adolence

    This is the stage where most of us do hit purety. During this stage/age some of us do learn the early stages of "young love" or social attachment. In addition to this stage we also learn who we do trust and consider our bestfriends in high or in general.
  • Early Adulthood

    Early Adulthood
    I believe this is the stage where we disagree with our parents most of the time. Where our/ my rebels actions faced many consequences. I remember this is the age where I first tasted beer and my all time favortie drink "Crown Royal". My Dad was so mad he brought me a case of beer to finish, if not he will beat me up with a belt. Well I didn't finish the case, and for sure I did have a taste of his belt. :)
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    This is the stage I believe most of us do get marry. I want to get marry while I am still in my mid 20's before I hit my mid 30's. I will soon find my soul mate and create a family of my own.
  • Death and Dying

    5 stages of Dying
    1. Denial
    2. Anger
    3. Barganing
    4. Depression
    5. Acceptance Honestly because of the funeral I just recently faced. I am still on the denial stage and somewhat moving on the anger stage. I honestly thought I was going to face this situation later on in life, not sooner
  • Late Adulthood

    By this age I should probaly have 5 grandkids, or maybe more. I should retire by then as well. Honestly this is the more exciting stage for me personally because I can just sit back and relax and enjoy my retirement.