My family timeline

  • Canada (the start)

    Canada (the start)
    One this day is the very start of my timeline. On this day is the day that Canada became an official country, if this day cease to exist then we wouldn't be here at all.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    My uncle was involved in the “Vietnam War” which was a conflict between South Vietnam and the United States Of America versus North Vietnam and the infamous “Viet Cong”. The Viet Cong, were also known as the “National Liberation Front” (NLF). My uncle, was fighting for South Vietnam and were allied with the United States. An interesting fact is, that the Vietnam War has the longest US combat force participation (17.4 years).
  • The Vietnam War part 2

    The Vietnam War part 2
    One year after my other uncle join the army, my other uncle join the army but as a translator for the United States. According from him, he did not want to see and experience the horrors of war. During the time he spent at the camp, he saw horrible pictures that his comrades showed him. Many of the pictures included American soldiers impaled by traps set by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers burned alive by naplam flamethrowers.
  • The Vietnam War Part 3

    The Vietnam War Part 3
    One this day was the turning point of the Vietnam War, it was also the day that my Uncle nearly died. While resting at the base camp, he suddenly heard a loud whistling noise. The sound grew louder and louder until, a large explosion rocked my poor uncle to his feet. A U.S soldier warned everyone that an artillery strike has just commenced. My uncle quickly dived into a small trench and narrowly missed shell. The barrage lasted 1 minute and the entire base was decimated.
  • The Vietnamese boat people

    The Vietnamese boat people
    After the war (which ended in a communist victory), my dad, uncle and other uncle were planning on a way to go to Canada. My dad soon learned about traveling to Malaysia by boat and then taking an immigration flight to Canada. The trip wouldn't be without it's risks, rough seas, communist patrol boats and no food or water for several days. At this point my relatives have a really strong hate against the United States, why? The Americans abandoned and left South Vietnam for dead.
  • Living in Communist Vietnam

    Living in Communist Vietnam
    Living in communist Vietnam was no “walk in the park”, it was pretty much a “living nightmare” (according from my family). They saw these groups of Viet Cong thugs roaming the streets and beating those who they saw were weak or poor mercilessly. For those who committed petty theft (they stole because they were hungry), the police sent them to intensive labor camps and were worked to death and for those who did survive, often never lived very long after the experience.
  • The trip

    The trip
    My uncle was the first one to cross to Canada (the one who nearly got obliterated by an artillery strike). But, in order to get to Canada he had to take a detour by going into Malaysia. He had to be authorized to come to Canada as an official immigrant. So in the early morning, him and 64 other people crammed into a tiny 10 by 5 meter boat and set sailed for Malaysia. The trip took approximately 5 days and 6 nights before, a large Malaysian coastal patrol boat picked them up.
  • My dad’s trip

    My dad’s trip
    My dad went a similar voyage like my uncle. Although, he consider himself much more fortunate. His boat was slightly larger than my uncle’s boat and carried less people (54 including himself). Unfortunately he also mentioned that only 42 people made it to Malaysia in relatively good health, many died from dehydration, malnutrition and infections. The smell on board the boat was barely tolerable and they’re were constant small holes which allowed water in the boat.
  • Arrival

    On this very day and at 12:30 in the night, my father finally arrive in Canada. He described the feeling as “ecstatic “ and very grateful to be in a place where you don’t get shot by a communist police officer. He met up we my uncle and stayed at his house for a few months. He got a job as an airplane assembler and was able to successfully sustain himself. As a few years went by he saw other relatives fly and sail their way into Canada.
  • Connected

    Go back a day and my dad flew back to Vietnam to marry my mom. Pretty much both sides of the family were all there to celebrate this special occasion. Both my parents soon flew back to Canada and stay at my uncle’s house for a few years and save up before moving into a apartment.
  • Second arrival

    Second arrival
    After marrying my dad back in Vietnam, my mom was sponsored by my dad and several other family members to come to Canada. My mom was more fortunate to be sponsored, as she could take a flight to Canada instead of crossing to Malaysia or directly to Canada on a flimsy boat.
  • Me (finally)

    Me (finally)
    One this very day, I (Gary) was born into this world. I was the lightest baby in my family, why? Well for some reason (I am going to simplify this) my mom had relatively small umbilical cord and could not deliver as much food to me as compared to a normal pregnant woman. Thus, making the smallest and lightest baby of the family.
  • Ottawa Parliament disaster

    Ottawa Parliament disaster
    I was in the middle of class when our principal made one of “those” announcements. You know, the one which they say in a sad tone and deep voice. At that moment, me and my classmates had no idea what was going on. We didn’t realize until we turned on the 6:00 news. There was a deadly terrorist attack on parliament hill, the footage was shocking and parliament hill was under siege. The perpetrator was hoping to deal a massive blow to the Canadian moral but (thankfully) failed to do so.
  • Election

    A few days before my parents elected the Liberal Party Of Canada, they went to my elementary school to vote. They went online to find the current number of votes for each party and pretty much voted for the party with the highest number of votes.
  • Canada's sesquicentennial

    Canada's sesquicentennial
    On this year is Canada's sesquicentennial (150th birthday), this is a huge milestone for Canada as an entire country. The year was celebrated with massive celebrations and festivities.
  • Trump

    The day I was dreading since the presidential campaign was announced, we would have to be allies with a complete lunatic! At first, thoughts of nuclear war and a infamous “wall” already jumped in my head. Also a few months after, he was complaining about our lumber business. I mean after a while the whole drama died down until now. Kim Jong Un has been waiting for the right time to launch his missiles and Donald Trump is arguing who’s launch button is bigger. I mean give me a break!