My crazy life

  • Period: to

    My life

  • The world trade center

    The world trade center
    Osama Binladin had a bunch of his people kill people and destroy the Twin Towers. Everybody was devastaed about the attack of 9/11 picture = Slagheap
  • Funeral

    My grandmother had broken her hip and she went to Mercy Hospital after the surgrey she had went into a coma because it was to much for and The next day she had passed away. Picture = Jeslee Cuizon
  • Cedar Rapids Flood.

    Cedar Rapids Flood.
    When the flood happened we were very scared because we had never been in a flood before. We had to put our cats upstairs where my sister lived because all the animl shelters were full. We had to go to a shelter , we stayed there for one day but we had to leave because the owners of the shelter said the flood was going to hit the shelter. We had to go to my aunt Linda's house then we had to leave because we had promblems there. We had to go to my other aunt's house. Picture = Matt Herzberger
  • Election Day

    Election Day
    Barack Obama got elected for president in 2008. Alot of people had voted for him because he would help the econamey get better. Picture = SteaveGarfield
  • New Home

    New Home
    We moved out of our old house and moved into a trailer park because there was a lot of drama at our old place.
    The neighbors were always drunk and they did drugs. My family cant stand the smell of drugs. We were glad that we had moved out. Picture = Spilltojoll
  • Oil spill

    Oil spill
    The Oil spill efected the ocean and sea. The sea animals were coverd in oil. Dawn Dish soap was the only thing that cleaned the oil off them. Picture = Marinephotobook
  • Birthday

    For my birthday I went to Happy Joes my friends and family were there. They all played games and talked. We all had a wonderful time. Picture = jessica Diamond
  • Christmas

    On Christmas our family got to spend time with eachother. Evrybody got great gifts and they all had fun on Christmas.
    My dad got a new electric skillet and he was really happy about that. He also got a new shirt of the Beatles. My mom got a clock and a movie called No time for sargents. I cant remember what my brother got for christmas. I got a make and jewlry box and make up for christmas. Everyone was happy what they got. Picture = Laffy4k
  • New Year

    New Year
    My family was glad that that it was a new year because there was a lot of drama in 2010. Alot of happy things are happening this year. Picture = Between a rocks photostream
  • Sister Shauna

    Sister Shauna
    When I came home from school my sister had told that she was pregnant. I was so happy for her because I'm going to be an aunt and she had a hard time getting pregnant for two years. Picture = Nogwater
  • Tornadoes in Alabama

    Tornadoes in Alabama
    Alot of the homes in Alabama got destroyed by the tornadoes. Homes and buildings. I think that everyone was devestaed about the torndoes destoyin evertthing.