Mueggenborg APWH Timeline Project: Unit 4 (1750CE-1914CE)

By penaj
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    Industrial Revolution

    The transformation of the economy, the environment, and living conditions. Started in England. Reulted from the use of steam engines, the mechanization of manufacturing in factories, and innovations in transportation and communication
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    Seven Years' War

    Global military conflict involving most of the major powers. War was renamed after respective theaters: French-Indian War, etc. Stared with England and the Bourbons (France and Spain) having overlapping interests in their colonial and trade empires and by conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire.
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    Watt's Steam Engine

    Was developed sporadically. Improved the 1712 Newcomen engine. Increased fuel efficiency. It was a machine that turns the energy released by burning fuel into motion.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    A multi-spool spinning frame to reduce the amount of work needed to make thread. Invented by James Hargreaves in England.
  • Invention of the Water Frame

    Invention of the Water Frame
    Was the spinning frame when powered by water. By Richard Arkwright. Water wheel is used to drive spinning frames. Reduced human labor.
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    Toussaint L'Ouverture

    A leader in the Haitian Revolution. Leader of the 1791 slave revolt in French colony of Saint Domingue. Forced to resign by Napoleon's troops and sent to France to die.
  • Whitney's Cotton Gin

    Whitney's Cotton Gin
    Quickly separates cotton fibers from seeds. Faster than doing it by hand. Caused cotton industry to increase.
  • Britain Outlaws Slave Trade

    Britain Outlaws Slave Trade
    The Slave Trade Act abolished the slave trade but not slavery in Britain. Slavery is abolished in1833.
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    Mexican Independence

    Mexico gains independence from Spain. Miguel Hidalgo, a Creole priest, led a revolt against Spanish rule. Revolt put down by Spanish and Hidalgo executed. Jose Morelos picked up next and led more revolts. Land-owning class turned against him when he wanted to redistribute land to poor; he was executed. Finally land-owning class bought into idea of independence. Treaty of Cordoba=independence.
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    Brazilian Independence

    Political events between Brazil and Portugal. When Portugal was invaded by Napoleon, John VI, the king, fled to Brazil and set up his royal court there. When it was safe, John VI returned and left his son, Pedro, in charge. Pedro declared independence and crowned himself emporer.
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    Greek Independence

    Greek Independence from the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was in decline. England, France, and Russia helped. With help, pushed out Ottomans and Egyptians and became independent.
  • Dissolution of the Janissaries

    Dissolution of the Janissaries
    Abolished by Sultan Mahmud II with the Auspicious Incident. Sultan said he was creating new army, the Janissaries mutiny, they were destroyed.
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    Invention of the Telegraph

    Enables fast, long-distance communication over electric wire. Introduced in England and North America in the 1830s and 1840s. Developed by Samuel Morse in the US in the 1830s. Used Morse code.
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    Afrikaners' Great Trek

    Eastward and north-eastward migration away from British control in the Cape Colony during the 1830s and 1840s. The Afrikaners were decendants of the Dutch settlers. They migrated and founded new colonies like the Natalia Republic, the Orange Free State Republic and the Transvaal.
  • End of Atlantic Slave Trade

    End of Atlantic Slave Trade
    Brazil was the last to official end trade. However, illegal slave trade to Brazil and Cuba lasted till the 1860s. Denmark was the first to end slave trade. Abolitionists assumed that the end of the trade would gradually end slavery.
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    Opium Wars

    Divided into the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. Disputes over opium between Qing Dynasty and British Empire. The British wanted mroe trade, but China didn't. China bans opium causes war. China is humiliated by British technology. Treaty of Nanking-more trade cities, Hong Kong to Britain, extraterritoriality, and most-favored nation status.
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    Revolutions of 1848

    Democratic and nationalist revolutions across Europe. Monarchy in France was overthrown Revolutions in Germany, Austria, Italy, and Hungary failed. Germany-March Revolution led by well educated and intellectuals demanded national unity, freedom of press, and freedom of assembly. Italy-wanted to drive out Austrians. Hungary-wanted freedom from Austra, got it, then failed.
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    Taiping Rebellion

    Was a civil war in Southern China lead by Hong Xiuquan, a Christian leader that proclaimed himself "Heavenly King" and said he was the brother of Jesus, against the Qing Dynasty. It was one of the bloodist wars ever--20 millions people died. Xiuquan tried to replace Confucian, Buddhist, and Chinese tradition with Christian ones. Qing government eventually defeated them with British and French aid.
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    Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan

    Wanted a trade treaty. Intimidated Japanese with big powerful ships and presented a letter from US President Fillmore. Came back a year later and was presented a treaty that covered all of the demands of US Presidents Fillmore's letter.
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    Crimean War

    Ottoman, English, and French stop Russia from expanding and getting access to the Meditaranean Sea. One of first "modern" wars--used railroads and telegraph.
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    Sepoy Rebellion

    Was a mutiny of the sepoys, the Indian soldiers, of the East India Company. This caused the dissolution of the East India Company and forced Britain to take over and establish the British Raj.
  • Britain Takes Over India

    Britain Takes Over India
    During Sepoy Rebellion, power is transferred to the Crown in the person of Queen Victoria. This established the British Raj.
  • Emancipation of the Russian Serfs

    Emancipation of the Russian Serfs
    Pushed Russia into 20th century. By czar Alexander II after Crimean War. Realized that the country wasn't working well with serfs--military, economy, bureaucracy bad.
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    Meiji Restoration

    Was a chain of events that brought fall to Tokugawa shogunate and restored imperial rule to Japan under the emperor Meiji. Enormous changes to political, economic, and social strutures. Brought modernization and Westernization to Japan. Young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    Ship canal dug across the isthmus of Suez in Egypt. It shortened the sea voyage between Europe and Asia--"highway to India." Its strategic importance led to the British conquest of Egypt in 1882.
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    Imperialization of Africa

    Known as the scramble for Africa. During the New Imperialism period, it was a process of invasion, attack, occupation, and annexation of African territory by European powers.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    Was a pro-nationalsit movement opposing foreign imperialism and Christianity. Was a responce to the foreign "spheres of influence" in China. Anger against unequal treaties lead to violent revolts against foreign interest. Boxers vs foreigners. The Eight-Nation Alliance brought in troops and captured Beijing and enforced a huge fine.
  • Aswan Dam

    Aswan Dam
    It was supposed to reduce flooding and to support population growth in the lower Nile but it was inadequate--it was raised twice and then, in 1970, was rebuilt upstream. Constructed by British during their occupation of Egypt.
  • Overthrow of Qing Dynasty

    Overthrow of Qing Dynasty
    By the early 20th century, mass civil disorder had begun and continuously grown. The Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen broke out and overthrew the Qing Dynasty, bringing two thousand years of Chinese feudal monarchy to an end. Left China unorganzied and vulnerable--Japan took over Manchuria.
  • African National Congress

    African National Congress
    An organization dedicated to obtaining equal voting and civil rights for black inhabitants of South Africa. It was banned and its leaders were jailed for many years, but it eventually helped bring majority rule to South Africa.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Ship canal that joins Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Huge impact on trade--short route. It cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States Army engineers. Was turned over to Panama in 2000.