Modern Spain II

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    Isabel II rule was not popular with any of political parties at the time. Her goverment was dominated by two military politicians: Ramón María Návaez and Leopoldo O´Donell. When they died, the goverment became too weak to continue. General Juan Prim sent the Queen into exile and started lookinf for a new monarch to take over.
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    It took two years to find someone who would accept the Spanish throne. The Italian Duke of Aosta, Amadeo, eventually accept, under pressure from his father. King Amadeo´s reign started badly when his main supporter, General Prim was assasinated. It was an extremily unstable period.
    King Amadeo had to deal with violent conflictas between different political parties, the Cuban revolution, rebellions by the Carlists in the Basque and Catalan regions, Republican uprisings and problems with the army.
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    On 1873 Spain became a republic but the period of political and social istability continued. The republic lasted only 11 months with four presidents during this preiod. Three simultaneous civil wars also broke out in Spain that year.
    On 1874 General Manuel Pavía mounted a coup d´ètat wich led to the end of the republic.