my life

  • my first year

    my first year
    when i was born my father was with my mother, i was born because my sister wanted a brother so much.
  • my second year

    my second year
    In my second year I already knew how to speak some words invented by myself and my father always watched football and I sat next to him and we watched everything even though I didn't understand anything.
  • my third year

    my third year
    in my third year I was already walking and I was already more developed in the lines I already knew how to speak father and mother, but not sister and that is why my sister was disgusted
  • my forth year

    my forth year
    when I was four I already knew how to kick a ball and I knew how to talk to people and I started to learn English
  • my fifth year

    my fifth year
    when i was five i already knew how to speak basic english and already knew how to speak sister, and after that my sister only played with me
  • my sixth year

    my sixth year
    when I was six was when I entered my first football school which was the wallau
  • my seventh

    my seventh
    after a year of training at wallau it was when i could participate in championships and i was the youngest of the team and played as a starter
  • my eighth year

    my eighth year
    I already knew how to eat healthy things and I knew what I liked and what I didn't like
  • my ninth

    my ninth
    when i was nine years old i was trying to learn to play paddle and i was good so one day i stressed and never played
  • my tenth year

    When I was years old I liked everything and did literally everything my friends did I was crazy
  • my eleventh year

    my eleventh year
    then I already knew that I loved football and that I had changed teams and went to PSG and started playing championships and in the first one we were in seconds
  • my twelfth year

    my twelfth year
    it was when i won my first video game it was a ps4 i was literally addicted but i still really liked football