Military History 1600-1800

  • Thirty Years War

    Thirty Years War
    The Thirty Years War of 1618–48 was fought between the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor and some of the German Protestant states and became a struggle for control of Europe. The Holy Roman Empire, France, Sweden, and Spain, were the major powers involved in the conflict. It was ended by the Treaty of Westphalia.
  • Battle of Lützen

    Battle of Lützen
    The Battle of Lützen was one of the most crucial battles of the 30 Years War. The battle was fought between Sweden led by Gustavus Adolphus, and The Holy Roman Empire led by Albrecht von Wallenstein. The Battle ended in a Swedish victory.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War was fought between the royalists, and the parliament, and was for the most part a governmental war. It ended with the execution of Charles I.
  • Second Anglo-Dutch War

    Second Anglo-Dutch War
    The Second Anglo-Dutch war was fought between The United Provinces, France, and Denmark vs. England, and Münster over trade routes. The war was fought between England and The United Provinces at sea, and Münster vs. France on land.
  • Great Northern War

    Great Northern War
    The Great Northern War was a war in which a Russian led coalition headed by Peter The Great, successfully contested Swedish supremacy in central, eastern, and northern Europe.
  • War of The Spanish Succession

    War of The Spanish Succession
    The War of Spanish Succession started with the dispute over whether French Philip Duke of Anjou was the rightful king of Spain. The war pitted The Dutch Republic, England, Austria, and Prussia vs. Naples, Sicily, France, and Bavaria. Philip eventually became king of France, but the conflict ended French expansion, and is considered a major turning point in history.
  • Battle of Blenheim

    Battle of Blenheim
    This battle was a decisive victory in The War of Spanish Succession for the grand alliance of Britain, Austria, Saxony, and The Dutch Republic. The battle ensured the survival of The Grand Alliance, and also ensured the safety of Vienna thanks to the Anglo-Savoy army led by the Duke of Marlborough.
  • War of The Austrian Succession

    War of The Austrian Succession
    The war was fought by almost all the major powers of Europe, but a great portion of the war was fought between Prussia led by Frederick The Great, and Austria over Maria Theresa's right to the throne of Austria.
  • Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War
    The Seven Years War was a world wide conflict fought between England, Prussia, Portugal and various German states, vs. France, Austria, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and various German States. The war ended in a Anglo-Prussian-Portuguese victory.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was a successful anti-colonial war fought between the people of st. Dominique (present day Haiti) and The French Empire.
  • War of the First Coalition

    War of the First Coalition
    The War of the First Coalition was the name of the war that several European monarchies and one other republic: Austria, Prussia, Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, the Holy Roman Empire. It was started by the French Revolution. It led to the rise of Napoleon.
  • Battle of Lodi

    Battle of Lodi
    The Battle of Lodi was the decisive battle of Napoleon's Italian campaign, in which he made a risky bridge crossing and defeated the unsuspecting Austrian Army.
  • War of The Second Coalition

    War of The Second Coalition
    The War of The Second Coalition was the second war by the European powers against France to contain the revolution.
  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    In the battle of Marengo Napoleon launched a surprise attack which defeated a large Austrian Army, driving the Austrians out of Italy for the second time.
  • War of The Third Coalition

    War of The Third Coalition
    In the War of The Third Coalition Napoleon once again defeated the combined armies of: Austria, Russia, and Great Britain, but failed to win a decisive victory against Britain.
  • 1st Serbian Revolution

    1st Serbian Revolution
    The First Serbian Revolution was the first of two wars to fight the Ottomans out of Serbia.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a decisive naval battle fought on October 21,1805 off the cape of Trafalgar on the south coast of Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. The British fleet under Horatio Nelson defeated the combined fleets of France and Spain, and ended Napoleon's hopes for an invasion of Britain.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The battle was fought near the town of Austerlitz, in which Napoleon defeated a large combined army of Austrians and Russians, and dissolved the Holy Roman Empire.
  • War of The Fourth Coalition

    War of The Fourth Coalition
    Napoleon won against the fourth coalition against him.
  • Battle of Jena

    Battle of Jena
    The battle of Jena was Napoleons decisive battle against the Prussians in The War of The Fourth Coalition.
  • War of The Fifth Coalition

    War of The Fifth Coalition
    In The War of The Fifth Coalition, Napoleon defeated the fifth coalition against him.
  • Venezuelan War of Independence

    Venezuelan War of Independence
    The Venezuelan War of Independence was one of the Spanish American wars of independence of the early 1800s, when independence movements in Latin America fought against rule by the Spanish were happening in multitude.
  • War of The Sixth Coalition

    War of The Sixth Coalition
    In the War of the Sixth Coalition, a coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and a number of German states finally defeated The French Empire, and sent Napoleon into exile on Elba.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
    The Battle of Borodino was the largest battle of Napoleon's campaign in Russia in which he defeated the Russians, but failed to achieve the decisive victory that he needed.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The battle of Leipzig was the largest battle in Europe up until The Great war, in which a coalition army decisively defeated Napoleon.
  • Serbian Revolution of 1815

    Serbian Revolution of 1815
    In the Serbian Revolution of 1815, Serbia won independence from The Ottoman Empire.
  • The One Hundred Days: War of The Seventh Coalition

    The One Hundred Days: War of The Seventh Coalition
    The One marked from Napoleons escape from Elba to the reinstatement of Louis XVIII as king of France.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was defeated one last time by an Anglo-Prussian-Dutch army in what is now Belgium.
  • Boliívar's campaign to liberate New Granada

    Boliívar's campaign to liberate New Granada
    In Boliívar's campaign to liberate New Granada, Simon Boliívar's forces ousted the Spanish out of present day Colombia.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    In the Greek Revolution, Greek nationals with foreign help, managed to drive the Ottomans out of Greece.
  • July Revolution

    July Revolution
    The French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution, saw the overthrow of King Charles X.
  • Belgian Revolution of 1830

    Belgian Revolution of 1830
    In the Belgian Revolution of 1830, Belgium took independence from The Kingdom of The Netherlands.
  • Italian Revolution of 1848

    Italian Revolution of 1848
    In the Italian Revolution of 1848, Italy failed to win independence from Austria.
  • Austrian Revolution of 1848

    Austrian Revolution of 1848
    In the Austrian Revolution of 1848, Von Metternich, who had led Austria since the age of Napoleon was knocked from his position of power, but revolutionaries failed to make great gains
  • German Revolution of 1848

    German Revolution of 1848
    The German Revolution of 1848 was a failed attempt to unify Germany.
  • French Revolution of 1848

    French Revolution of 1848
    The 1848 Revolution in France, sometimes known as the February Revolution, was one of a wave of revolutions in 1848 in Europe. In France the revolutionary events ended the Orleans monarchy and led to the creation of the French Second Republic.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    The Crimean war was fought with religious roots between Great Britain, The French Second Empire, The Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia vs. Russia. The War was won by the Franco-British led coalition, and ended the Prussian-Austrian-Russian Alliance.
  • Battle of Balaclava

    Battle of Balaclava
    The Battle of Balaclava was fought with Great Britain, The French Second Empire, and The Ottoman Empire vs. Russia. The battle was fought to capture Sevastopol which was Russia's main port on The Black Sea, and included the famous charge of the light brigade.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The Indian Rebellion of 1857 Sepoy Mutiny was a large, but ultimately futile uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    The Franco-Prussian war of 1870–71 between France led by under Napoleon III and Prussia led by Otto von Bismark, in which Prussia invaded France. The defeat of France marked the end of the French Second Empire. For Prussia, the creation of the new German Empire at Versailles was the finale of Bismarck's ambitions to unite Germany.
  • Battle of Sedan

    Battle of Sedan
    The Battle of Sedan was the decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian war, in which a army of 130,000 soldiers was defeated, and Napoleon iii himself was captured.
  • Anglo-Zulu War

    Anglo-Zulu War
    The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom. It ended in a British Victory.