Milestones in Medicine

By ehearn
  • The Hospital for Sick Children in London.

    The Hospital for Sick Children in London.
    the first hospital devoted exclusively to the treatment of children.
  • Dr. Abraham Jacobi

    Dr. Abraham Jacobi
    given a teaching chair at New York Medical College which allowed him to teach the pathology of infancy and childhood.
  • First Infant Formula Created

    First Infant Formula Created
    Justus von Liebig developed the world’s first commercial infant formula
  • Discovery of Insulin

    Discovery of Insulin
    Frederick Banting and his assistant Charles Best figured out how to remove insulin from a dog’s pancreas. Insulin can be used to treat diabetes & prevent normal growth and development from being affected.
  • Polio vaccine

    Polio vaccine
    A groundbreaking study shows that a single injectable dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) along with bivalent oral polio vaccine could protect up to 90 percent of children from polio and strengthen community protection against the disease.
  • Laparoscopic surgery introduced to Pediatrics

    Laparoscopic surgery introduced to Pediatrics
    The supply of smaller instruments expanded the role and uses of laparoscopy and thoracoscopy in small infants and newborns.
  • Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment

    Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment
    This encouraged individualized plans of treatment for each baby and encouraged high levels of family involvement. Maternal bonding was emphasized during this time period and the preceding decade
  • Rhogam

    Dr. Bruce Chown and Dr. Jack Bowman of the University of Manitoba developed Rhogam. This solves Alloimmunization, which causes the mother to pass on antibodies into the baby that attack the baby's own red blood cells.
  • "Back to Sleep"

     "Back to Sleep"
    Research found that if infants were placed to sleep on their stomachs, their risk of dying from SIDS increased by at least two-fold.
  • 3TC

    is today recognized as the most widely used drug in the world in the treatment of HIV. 3TC lowers the amount of virus in the mother's body and can reduce the rates of mother-to-child transmission.