
Middle Ages Timeline

  • 476

    Fall of Rome.

    Fall of Rome.
    The fall of Rome may have fell for multiple reasons such as: too large, barbarian attacks, disease, too many leaders, poor economics and more! When the empire fell Augustus was in charge of the Western half and Constantine was Emperor of the East
  • Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632

    Muhammed life span

    Muhammed lived for 62 years. He travelled across Saudi Arabia spreading Allah's stories and ways.
  • Jan 1, 622


    This religion was spread by the prophet Muhammed who was told by the angel Gabriel, in a dream, to spread the word of Allah. Allah is the Islamic God his word is told throught the Qur'ran.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammed died

    Muhammed died
    When Muhammed died he was 62. The iggest struggle after his death was trying to remember all the stories he told of Allah. They were never written down so when he died his followers had to try to remember them
  • Jun 10, 700

    hour glass invented

    hour glass invented
    The hourglass was first used to tell time at sea. Soon it was used on land quite often as well. They were used commonly in churches for time of mass.
  • Period: Apr 2, 742 to

    Charlemgane life span

    Charlemagne lived for 72 years.
  • Jun 9, 1000

    Mace Invented

    Mace Invented
    The Mace was a middle ages club. It is spiky and sharp at one end and has a handle on the other. The mace is used to penetrate armor and does great damge.
  • Jun 9, 1066

    Battle of hastings

    Battle of hastings
    The battle was William the Conqueror against King Harold.Each army had around 5000 soldiers to 7000 soldiers. The two leaders were fighting for land. William wanted to take over more of France and was wanting to help Flanders in gaining more land. In the end Harold was shot in the eye with an arrow and died.
  • Jun 11, 1066

    Feudalism System begins

    Feudalism System begins
    William decides all land belongs to king. The Nobles recieve alnd in trade for money and land. The Knights give protection for land and money. The peasants give food and services and get land and protection.
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William the Conquerer crowned king

    William the Conquerer crowned king
    After many successful battles William was finally crowned king of England. He soon took over much of France and was one of the most successeful Kings and conquerors.
  • Sep 9, 1087

    William Dies

    William Dies
    William dies while leading a battle in France, when his intestines broke. He was 59 years old and had a wife and 4 sons and 5 or 6 daughters. He ruled for 21 yeasr and ruled Normandy for 31.
  • Period: Nov 27, 1095 to Jun 10, 1270


    There were about nine crusades. They lasted for almost 200 years. The crusade battes were an attempt of the Christians to re-capture the holy land of Israel from the Muslims.
  • Nov 27, 1096

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    The first crusade the Christans set off to "recapture" the holy land from the Muslims. This was the first of many crusades and was the first mainly successful battle. Pope Urban II promised fame, money, land and, most importantly, a home in heaven for those who fought.
  • Jun 15, 1225

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was a set of laws and rigths forced upon King John by Barons. It limited the power of the king and set up what was similar to the first parliament system. It seperated the church and the state, free to make decisions away from king, It changed the taxes.
  • Jan 1, 1270

    Last Crusades

    Last Crusades
    The last crusade was organized by Frederick II the new Holy Emperor. It took 12 years to organize and soon Frederick lost his patience. This crusade was not a success.
  • Jan 1, 1286

    Eye Glasses invented

    Eye Glasses invented
    The eye glasses were invented by the Italian. Over time the frames were also developed. Eye glasses were importantt because they encouraged and helped those who had trouble reading and writing
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black death

    Black death
    The Black Death was an awful time when over 25 000 000 people died. It killed over one thrid of Europes popultaion. The plague was carried by fleas who bit rats that sailed on boats from China to Italy.
  • Period: Jun 9, 1348 to Jun 9, 1350

    Height of the Black Death

  • Apr 29, 1429

    Joan of Arc Leads battle

    Joan of Arc Leads battle
    Joan was born a peasant girl when she was seventeen she saw a sign from God to go help the French Army. She led the army to a victory. Joan was sadly killed for lying about her gender and was burned on a stake after her battles.
  • Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
    Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III. As Charlemagne bent down to bow to the pope he stood up and the pope placed a crwon on his head.Charlegamne soon converted almost everyone to Christianity and killled those who did not converrt.
  • Thorwing axe invented

    Thorwing axe invented
    The throwing axe is an early weapon thrwon through the air. The axe is usually thrown over hand and over the head.The axe can easily cut through armour ecspecially when sharpened reciently.
  • Doue-la-fontaine was built

    Doue-la-fontaine was built
    Doue-la-fontaine is one of the earliest recorded castles in the world! It is over 1000 years old and is still standing and a tourist detination. Doue-la-fonatine is located in France and was a french king's castle.