
  • Aug 1 1999,today i was born

    .today i was born in vancouver
    .my hositpal was a womens hositpal
    .and i was born in august 4 1999
  • my first toy

    when i was little i had my first toy it was a batman toy i always play with then after when i growth up i stop playing with that batman toy
  • my first potty drain

    when i was a little boy i learned how to potty drain my mom helped me how to seat on the toliet and how to flush the toliet and then after i went to the bathroom by myself
  • my first bike

    when i had my first bike i had trouble riding my bike than my mom helped me ride my bike i keep trying and trying and i got it
    and then i was really happy
  • my first loose tooth

    when i was 6 years old i had my first loose tooth it was my front tooth then after when my tooth came out i put it inside my bed and wait for the tooh fairy and i get money