Polyp cartoon media politics

Media and Politics

  • The Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers
    The Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers were the first partisan papers published in the country.
  • Jefferson v Adams

    Jefferson v Adams
    Information circulated by media falsely calls Thomas Jefferson an Atheist and John Adams a monarchist during the election campaign.
  • Martin Van Buren and the Media

    Martin Van Buren and the Media
    Opponents of Martin Van Buren accuse him of being a cross dresser.
  • Remember the Maine

    Remember the Maine
    Despite lack of evidence, William Randolph Hearst falsely accuses Spanish of blowing up the USS Maine in his New York Journal newspaper giving it frequent coverage and leading other newspapers to wrongly accuse the Spanish. Hearst's accusation of the Spanish helped lead Americans into the Spanish-American War..
  • "Fireside Chats" -FDR

    "Fireside Chats" -FDR
    President Franklin Roosevelt begins his "fireside chats" in which he spoke to the American people about the state of the nation over the radio thus encouraging citizen's belief in their country and president in a time of economic disparity.
  • WW2 Media

    WW2 Media
    Newspapers, radio, and other ads help the government gain support for WW2 in America during the 1940s.
  • Eisenhower Lie

    Eisenhower Lie
    The public is dismayed by President Eisenhower's admission that he lied to cover up the fact that a spy plane was shot down over Russia.
  • JFK Affairs

    JFK Affairs
    Despite various media outlets having knowledge of President JFKs affairs, the media of the 1960s chooses not to expose him.
  • New York Times v Sullivan

    New York Times v Sullivan
    In the Supreme Court case New York Times v Sullivan, the court ruled that a public official cannot win a libel suit unless it can be proved that the media reported a falsehood knowingly or with reckless disregard to the truth.
  • LBJ Negative Campaigning

    LBJ Negative Campaigning
    Lyndon B Johnson airs one of the first and still one of the most controversial negative campaigning ads in the country that basically insinuate that his opponent would start a nuclear war if elected.
  • Watergate

    The media breaks the report of the Watergate scandal thus informing citizens of corruption in the White House and leading the the resignation of President Nixon.
  • Lying in Campaigns

    Lying in Campaigns
    Study reveals that 50% of ads in the Presidential race between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole contained misleading information.
  • Misleading Information

    Misleading Information
    Study finds that 91% of voters encountered "misinformation" in the run up to the November election.
  • Media and Politics

    Media and Politics
    The media continues to feed the public misleading information and allow politicians to feed the American citizens false or misleading information. Politicians use negative campaigning to bring in voters.