
Matt Rentoul's 6 Blue Federation

  • Telegraph Link

    Telegraph Link
    The first telegraph links Melbourn, Sydney and Adelide via above ground cable or telephone lines.
  • Main Telegraph Link

    Main Telegraph Link
    Telegraph links all main Australian cities and sub-cities via above ground and also below ground cable in the CBD's.
  • Intercolonial Trade Congress

    Intercolonial Trade Congress
    First intercolonial trade congeress is held to discuss important issues and interstate trade policys.
  • The Bulletin

    The Bulletin
    The first issue of the Bulletin is published that is started by John Feltham Archibald who now has the Archibald art prize named after him.
  • Australia's Cencus

    Australia's Cencus
    The first Australia Wide cencus is complted but aboriginals were excluded because of dicrimanational reasons.
  • Federation Step

    Federation Step
    A federation council is formed to start the preperation for a step towards federation by beging the draft constsution draw-up.
  • Defence Concerns

    Defence Concerns
    Majour General Sir Edward Brevans suggest a uniform defence policy to better protect australia from intrested european collinial inavders.
  • Federation Speech

    Federation Speech
    Sir Henry Parks delivers his famous tenterfield speech to a large audiance and is the first one to formaly start the federation movement.
  • First Constitution

    First Constitution
    The first draft constitution is drawn up and is largely modeled on the british system or the westminster system.
  • Depresion and strikes

    Depresion and strikes
    Depresion and strikes occur and cause the draft constitution to colapse in the sudden change and los in jobs.
  • Federation

    Australia became officialy a federation and the constitution is signed by queen vicoria. News also comes through that all the collinies have now joined.
  • Parlement Opens

    Parlement Opens
    Parlement begins in melbourn and the constitution has now been changed twice (to this date in 1901).