Mass Media

  • Sep 20, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Rapid creation and distribution of printed materials. Ideas and information could now be circulated quickly and easily.
  • Radio

    Invented by Guglielmo Marconi, the radio allowed information to be shared across large areas almost instantly and wireless.
  • Television

    Invented in the early 1900s, the television became popular in the 1950s. It combined the radio's instant transmission of audio with the new visual medium. Now the information being spread could have video as well as audio
  • Satellites

    The first satellite was Sputnik in 1957, and since then thousands have been launched into space. Satellites allow for the instant transmission of television, radio, and more across the entire planet.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    Tim Berners-Lee created the backbone of the internet today by inventing HTML, HTTP, and the first web browser.