Marines corp seal plaque 1


By fteeter
  • Founding of The US Marine Corps

    Founding of The US Marine Corps
    The Continental Congress met at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia to discuss the installment of two platoons of marines.
  • The Marines Get a Leader.

    The Marines Get a Leader.
    On November 28, 1775, Major Samuel Nicholas was selected as the first Commandant of the Marines by the Continental Congress.
  • The End of the Revolutionary War

    The End of the Revolutionary War
    At the end of the American Revolution, the original troops of Marines were disbanded, as they were deemed unneeded because of the endof the war.
  • Establishment of Permanent US Marine Corps

    Establishment of Permanent US Marine Corps
    In preparation for the Quasi-War, the Marine Corps was founded as an offensive and defensive force for the United States.
  • Sousa Joins the Marines

    Sousa Joins the Marines
    Famous orchestral composer John Philip Sousa joined the Marines as an apprentice at the age of 13. He served from 1867-1862 and then again from 1880-1892 as leader of the Marine Band.
  • Adoption of the Marine Corps Motto and Emblem

    Adoption of the Marine Corps Motto and Emblem
    "Semper Fidelis", Latin for "Always Faithful" was adopted as the Marine Corps motto in 1868. It is a reminder to the people who serve to remain faithful to the mission, each other, and their country.
  • Official Adoption of the Marine Corps Hymn

    Official Adoption of the Marine Corps Hymn
    The Marine Corps adopted its hymn officially, and since its adoption, only one change has been made. In the 1940's, due to the use of airplanes, the fourth line was edited to "... on air, on land, and sea..."
  • Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima

    Raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima
    The iconic image of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima occurred specifically on top of Mount Suribachi. The flag is being raised by 5 marines and one Navy corpsman.
  • Marines end occupation in Iraq

    Marines end occupation in Iraq
    The Marines officially ended their occupation in Iraq in 2010, They handed over responsibility to the US Army.