
Making of the Modern World

  • The invention of the Auto-mobile.

    The invention of the Auto-mobile.
    The auto-mobile was invented by Ferdinand Verviest who was a member of the Jesuit mission in China. The auto-mobile was so small it couldnt even carry one driver.
  • Refrigerations

    The first regrigerator was invented by a guy named William Culle, and then later on other people started to add more things into the regregerator.
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    The Industrial Revolution

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    William Wilberforce

    William Wilberforce was the leader of the movement of the slaves. He died on the 29 July 1833
  • US decleration of independance

    US decleration of independance
    During the war with Great Britain the United States they said that they are an independet state and no longer with the British Empire, which was approved on July 4th.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by an American inventor Eli Whitney in 1794. The Cotton Gin is a machine which sperates cotton fiber from their seeds.
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    Factory Acts

    Children aged 9-18 were involved in the Child Labour
  • Slaves

    There were large amounts of slaves from Europe and Africa. More than 60,000 slaves each year
  • Australian Achieve Federalisation

    Australian Achieve Federalisation
  • First Aeroplane

    First Aeroplane
    The first Aeroplane was invented in 17 December 190. The people who invented the Aeroplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal is a ship in Panama which goes to the Atlandtic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It was originally began working in 1881 but the ship was completed in 1914
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The world war 1 was a global war which was mostly centred in Europe. It lasted till November 11 1918
  • Imperialism

    During the year of 1914, Europe controlled 84% of the globe and there were 60,000 thousand slaves per year