Major Events of the French Revolution

  • Louis the XIV Calls the Estates General

    The estates general helped with the 1st and 2nd estates ganging up to outvote the 3rd estate. Louis XIV put France into debt after building the Palace of Versailles. He was called because France was in debt. And they couldn't make money because they had agricultural problems.
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    People wanted equal rights to the higher classes because they were treated badly. They wanted more rights because they had very minimal rights.
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    The Parisians stormed the Bastille because they had to get weapons. It was also a message that the 3rd estate is ready to fight back. The Bastille was a prison and they destroyed it and let the prisoners free. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a declaration stating that the 3rd estate should be treated equally. And that they should have more rights.
  • Establishment of the New Constitution

    The Establishment of the New Constitution is a Constitution created by the National assembly in 1791. It gives more rights to the people of France.
  • Execution of the King and Queen / Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Marie Antoinette was beheaded on October 16, 1793 at the Palace de la revolution. This started the reign of terror because, it is said that she was the first victim of it. After 10 months at least 16,000 people died to guillotine.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon ruled most of the 19th century and got France to be a major super power in Europe. During his time, he fought many battles and lost many men to them. His worst defeat was at Waterloo.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon was a dictator that ruled over France from 1799-1815. He overthrew the French directory for the French Consulate during his first year of ruling.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    500000 Frenchmen invade Russia under Napoleon Bonaparte. In the end they only had 100000 men left with 400000 men dead.
  • Congress of Vienna meets

    The congress of Vienna was a series of meetings where they tried to establish peace in Europe. They had a peaceful concert of Europe later on.
  • Napoleon defeat at waterloo

    napoleon had his final battle at Waterloo. It was his costliest defeat where he lost most of his men.