Animal farm jpg 1qhze57

Major Events in Animal Farm

  • Chapter 1: Idea to Revolt

    Chapter 1: Idea to Revolt
    In chapter one Old Major (Karl Marx) called a meeting up in the barn with all of the overworked animals. Old Major started out the meeting with talk of a dream he had, but pushed that out of the way and talked to his fellow barn animals about an old song his mother sang when he was a piglet. The song was named "Beasts of England" and was about revolting against the cruel humans and how the animals would revolt.
  • Chapter 2: Rebellion Starts

    Chapter 2: Rebellion Starts
    Chapter Two is ultimately where the animal rebellion begins and brings along many other happenings with it.
    Old Major dies ->Jones neglects the animals because he is drunk->The animals drive out Jones and his men->Rebellion is underway-> Pigs install their own headquarters-> They begin their first harvest as free animals-> Seven Commandments are created-> Old Major's ideas are formed into animalism
  • Chapter 3: Pigs Rule

    Chapter 3: Pigs Rule
    Chapter three is where things start to become more centered on the pigs actions.
    Shortening the commandments to "4 legs good, 2 legs bad"-> Napoloen takes the 9 puppies for his own teaching-> Squealer convinces the animals that the pigs need the better food
  • Chapter 4: Word Spreads

    Chapter 4: Word Spreads
    Chapter 4 is where word of animal farm begins to go around and heat up.
    News of Animal Farm has spread -> Pilkington and Fredrick become frightened that Animalism would spread to their neighboring farms -> Terrible rumors about what was going on at Animal Farm was going around -> "Beasts of Englad" being sung everywhere now -> Jones and his men and more all came back to try and take the farm back -> Animals ambushed Jones and his men -> Jones tried to shoot Snowball but missed and shot a sheep
  • Chapter 4: Continued

    Chapter 4: Continued
    -> Boxer thought he killed one of the men, when he only stunned him -> Animals came up with hero system when burrying fallen sheep
  • Chapter 5: Change

    Chapter 5: Change
    Chapter 5 is all about change.
    Mollie has become very troublesome -> Mollie disappears, found out she ran away from Animal Farm -> Napoleon and Snowball having constant disagreements -> Snowball announces that he wants to build a windmill tobetter the farm'sproduction and progress -> Napoleon is totally against the windmill and denies that it will help -> Farm has been forced to choose between Snowball or Napoleon -> Snowball is ambushed by puppies raised by Napoleon -> Napoleontakes control of
  • Chapter 5: Continued

    Chapter 5: Continued
    the farm -> Old Major's skull is put on display with the gun and flag -> Napoleon says that the idea to build the Windmill and he only denied it because Snowball stole his idea first
  • Chapter 6: Continued

    Chapter 6: Continued
    Mr. Whymper to be at the farm every Monday morning to recieve instruction from Napoleon -> Pigs moved into the farm house, s'eeping on beds with blankets -> Windmill half done by fall -> Windmill GONE- blaned on Snowball by Napoleon -> Told to rebuild windmill through the cold winter
  • Chapter 6: Windmill

    Chapter 6: Windmill
    Chapter 6 is mainly about the windmill and it's construction and the difficulties that it brings along with them.
    Napoleon declared that the animals were to begin working on Sunday afternoons too -> In late summer the windmill construction was begun -> Needed materials were becoming scarce -> Napoleon ruled that Animal Farm would engage in trading with neighboring farms -> Animals became uneasy with the idea of human interactions ->
  • Chapter 7: Continued

    Chapter 7: Continued
    Snowball said to be Jones' "spy" -> Napoleon ordered dogs to attack 4 pigs and Boxer- almost all animals confessed to being on Snowballs side -> All traitors brutally murdered -> Napoleon abolished singing beasts of England
  • Chapter 7: Traitors

    Chapter 7: Traitors
    Chapter 7 is where the farm takes a turn for the worst.
    Made windmill walls 3 foot thick instead of 18 inches thick -> Food shortage in January -> Rumours begin again, animals dying of famine and eating one another -> Whymper was told to lie about the food shortages on farm -> Napoleon always in farmhoise, only goes to important things and always has watch dogs -> Chickens starting rebellion and cracking their own eggs to keep from selling them -> Snowball said to be creeping around at night,
  • Chapter 8: Continued

    Chapter 8: Continued
    Mr. Whymper informs Napoleon the Fredrick's payment were all forgeries, Napoleon declares death sentence on Fredrick -> Fredrick and 15 of his men attack the farm and blow up the windmill -> Pigs celebrate their victory by getting drunk off whiskey, next day Napoleon is 'dying" (hangover) -> Alcohol consumption to an EXTENT is outlawed by Napoleon
  • Chapter 8: Battle of the Windmill

    Chapter 8: Battle of the Windmill
    This is a very crazy and almost heart-breaking chapter filled with great triumph.
    All of the big orders are being given by Squealer or other pigs, instead of Napoleon -> Napoleon becomes involved in complicated negotiations with Pilkington and Fredrick -> Rumour of Napoleon selling wood pile to Pilkington, Napoleon tells them it's a lie -> Second windmill finally completed, named Napoleon Mill -> Napoleon goes through and sells the wood pile to Pilkington, his men hurridly get all of it ->
  • Chapter 9: Boxer

    Chapter 9: Boxer
    Windmill being rebuilt, AGAIN -> Boxers split hoof becomes a major problem for him -> Rations are reduced once again -> Pigs gain more rights and respect than before -> Pigs have a pint of beer added to their rations daily -> Spontaneous Demonstrations now in full play once a week -> Napoleon was unanimously elected as president of Animal Farm -> Boxer falls and stays in his stall waiting for "hospital" to take him away -> Hospital turns out to be a slaughter house and Boxer couldn't escape ->
  • Chapter 9: Continued

    Chapter 9: Continued
    Squealer reassured the animals that he went to a hospital, and the he was by Boxers side when he died -> Pigs buy whiskey with money they recieved from selling Boxer to slaughter house
  • Chapter 10: Humans

    Chapter 10: Humans
    Only a few of the original comrades were still alive (Clover, Benjamin, Moses the Raven, and a few of the pigs) -> The corner pasture for the animals to retire was never made up nor even thought of anymore -> Only bought and born animals lived on Animal Farm now, they were all very loyal and honored to be apart of the great nation -> The windmill was finally finished and more buildings and land were added to the farm -> Farm was doing great, but only dogs and pigs were benefitting ->
  • Chapter 10: Continued

    Chapter 10: Continued
    Squealer and all pigs were now walking on two legs, instead of four -> Sheep now bleating "Four legs good, Two legs better" -> Only one commandment now that says "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." -> Fellow human farmers come and tour the farm and the congragulate Napoleon on his accomplishments and prosperity of Animal Farm -> Napoleon declared that he was the leader and not a "comrade" and also that Animal Farm would be known again as Manor Farm