
Looking to the STAAR-February

  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper. Jan. 30th-Feb. 3rd.
    Narrative: Write a story about what happened to you on your vacation or trip.

    Expository: Write about an outdoor activity that you enjoy. Why is is fun for you?
  • Revise Assessment 2

    Revise Assessment 2
    Student will complete the revising assessment from the Write Source.
  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper. Jan. 30th-Feb. 3rd.
    Narrative: Write a story about what happened to you on your vacation or trip.

    Expository: Write about an outdoor activity that you enjoy. Why is is fun for you?
  • Edit Assessment 2

    Edit Assessment 2
    Students will complete the Editing Assessment from the Write Source
  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper. Feb. 13th-24th.
    Narrative:Everyone has a day they will never forget. Write about your special day and what happened to you.
    Expository:Write about a special place that you like to go. Explain why you like to go to this special place.
  • Monitor Assessment 1

    Monitor Assessment 1
    Students will complete the monitoring assessment 1 from the Write Source.
  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper. Feb. 13th-24th.
    Narrative:Everyone has a day they will never forget. Write about your special day and what happened to you.
    Expository:Write about a special place that you like to go. Explain why you like to go to this special place.
  • Revise Assessment 3

    Revise Assessment 3
    Students will complete the Revise Assessment from the Write Source
  • Write Review

    Write Review
    Students will write a narrative or an expository paper. Feb. 27th-March 9th
    Narrative: Everybody is alone at one time or another. Write about a time you were alone.
    Expository: Write about why it is important to eat healthy foods. Explain about them.