
Life Span

  • Birth development

    Birth development
    I was born at toledo hospital weighing 8lbs 6 oz.
  • First 2 years bioscoial

    First 2 years bioscoial
    At 10 months I was potty trained, and walking on my own.
  • First 2 Years cognitve

    First 2 Years cognitve
    I began babbling learning how to speak. interacted with my friends and siblings playing "peek a boo and patty cake"
  • First 2 years pyschosocial

    First 2 years pyschosocial
    I deveolped a huge attachment to my mom. So starting daycare at this point of my life was very hard for me I cried everyday.
  • The play yrs bioscoial

    The play yrs bioscoial
    At the age of 3, I was very clumsy. I had a 2nd degree burn which I still have the mark) from running into a bbq playing.
  • The play years cognitive

    The play years cognitive
    Began preschool at the age of 4, deveolping social skills.
  • The play years pyschocial

    The play years pyschocial
    Became a member of the girl scouts and learned how to ride my bike.
  • The school years biosoicial

    The school years biosoicial
    At the age of 8, I was very interested in dancing, so my mom signed me up in ballet dancing.
  • the school years cognitve

    the school years cognitve
    Wss forced to learn how to write right handed, because the school that I went to left hand writing was not allowed. Played a muchcin in my first school play the wizard of oz.
  • The school years pyschosoical

    The school years pyschosoical
    I was bullied by a boy in 5th grade. Was the worst 6 months of my life. He taunted me everyday unitl he got suspended.
  • Adolescence biosocial

    Adolescence biosocial
    Right knee surgery. I was homeschooled for the first year of highschool.
  • adoloescence cognitve

    adoloescence cognitve
    Went through puberty, developed friendship bonds, went through depression and attemted sucide.
  • Adolescence pyschosocial

    Adolescence pyschosocial
    Bickered alot with parents for indepence, graduated from highschool, maintained best friends.
  • adulthood biosoial

    adulthood biosoial
    Started first job at providence hosptial as a medical assistant/clerk. Went to Madonna university for law.
  • Emerging adult cognitive

    Emerging adult cognitive
    Decided to pursue diffenet religions. Developed stress from college. Became bilemic due to the influences of my friends to maintain a certain image.
  • Emerging adult psycohsoical

    Emerging adult psycohsoical
    Moved away from home, and move into my first apartment with my boyfriend.
  • Adulthood biosocial

    Adulthood biosocial
    Diagnosed with ITP, and later and June had my spleen removed.
  • Adulthood cognitve

    Adulthood cognitve
    Changed school major to nursing. Went through a midlife crisis, relationship break ups and many ending friendships.
  • adulthood pyschosocial

    adulthood pyschosocial
    Marriage and family planning .
  • Late adulthood biosocial

    Late adulthood biosocial
    Retirement. 1st grandchild. Maintaing a healthy diet as well as exerciseing to stay healthy. Hair loss and body shrinkage.
  • late adulthood cognitive

    late adulthood cognitive
    A interest in art, start deveolping a little confusion. Diet is insufficent.
  • Late adulthood

    Late adulthood