Steam auto

Leonardo and the automobile

  • Jan 1, 1478

    Self Propelled Cart

    Self Propelled Cart
    In 1478, Leonardo Da Vinci sketched a picture of the first self propelled cart. The invention had no engine but was propelled by gears and cogs.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1478 to

    Leonardo DaVinci and the automobile

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Thomas Newcome created the first steam engine allowing for self sufficent machinery.
  • Compact Steam Engine

    Compact Steam Engine
    James Watt used Thomas Newcome's Steam engine technology to invent the first compact steam engine. This steam engine could be used to power future automobile machinery.
  • Steam Powered Vehicle

    Steam Powered  Vehicle
    Nicolas-Joseph Cugnut was a French inventor who used James Watts compact steam engine design to design the first steam powered automobile.
  • Gas Engine

    Gas Engine
    Unfortunatly, the design for a steam engine was impracticle as it was too heavy and unbalenceed. A Frenchman named Etienne Lenoir patented the first gas engine in Paris in 1860 to solve this problem.
  • The Otto cycle

    The Otto cycle
    Lenoir had a separate mechanism to compress the gas before combustion. In 1862, Alphonse Bear de Rochas figured out how to compress the gas in the same cylinder in which it was to burn which would later be known as the Otto Cycle.
  • Nikolaus Otto

    Nikolaus Otto
    Nikolaus Otto patented the Otto cycle engine which de Rochas had neglected to do.
  • Motorwagon

    Using the Otto engine, Karl Benz patented the Motorwagon on January 29, 1886 making it the the first gas powered automobile.
  • Curved Dash Oldsmobile

    Curved Dash Oldsmobile
    The curved Dash Oldsmobile was the first mass produced automobile. The company produced 19,000 cars between 1901 and 1907. It was the first to use interchangable parts and the assembly line.
  • Henry Ford Model T

    Henry Ford Model T
    Henry ford released the model T automobile. This was the first automobile avalible at an affordable price for the average American.