Language (Semester 1)

  • Our First Week!

    Welcome to K-B! I am so excited to work with your students. We are going to have a great year with a lot of fun and learning.
    This week, we are working on our procedures and discipline. We learned about our clipchart system, carpet behavior, line procedures, and table time behavior.
  • Week 2

    Week 2
    This week, we are working on the phonetics of the letters A through E. Along with our letter learning, we are doing a craft of the uppercase letter for the day.
  • Week 3

    Week 3
    This week, we are working on the phonetics of the letters F though J. Along with the phonetics, we did the corresponding uppercase letter craft.
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    This week, we are working on the phonetics of the letters K though O. We also did the corresponding uppercase craft for the letters each day.
  • Week 5

    Week 5
    This week we are working on the phonetics fo the letters P through T. We did the corresponding uppercase letter craft for each letter of the day.
  • Week 6

    Week 6
    This week, we are working with the phonetics of the letters U through Y. We did a corresponding uppercase letter craft for the letter of the day.
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    This week, we are learning about the phonetics of the letter Z and we are doing the uppercase craft for that letter. For the rest of the week, we are reveiwing phonetics for the letters A through D and doing the lowercase craft for the corresponding letter of the day.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    This week, we are working on review our phonetics of the letters E through I and we are doing our lowercase craft with the corresponding letter of the day.
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    This week we are reviewing the phonetics of the letters J through N and doing the corresponding lowercase craft for the letter of the day.
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    This week we are reviewing the phonetics of the letters O through S and doing the corresponding lowercase letter of the day craft.
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    This week we will be working on reviewing the phonetics for the letters T through X and doing the corresponding lowercase letter craft for the letter of the day.
  • Week 12

    Week 12
    This week we will be reviewing the phonetics of Y and Z on Monday and Tuesday and for the remainer of the week, we will work on phonetics of the entire alphabet, and by Friday, we will be focusing on vowels in the alphabet. We will reinforce the vowels through sign language and a game with this lesson.
  • Week 13

    Week 13
    This week, we are going to begin popcorn words. When we have new popcornn words, these words will be posted on my website on the homepage for you to see so you may work with your students on these words.
  • Week 14

    This week, we will be working on stretching out Thanksgiving words and drawing picures of these words. Have a great break!
  • Week 15

    This week we will pick up our look at popcorn words again. As our weeks continue with popcorn words, the words will become more difficult and a bit longer to continue to increase the challenge for students.
  • Week 16

    This week, we will continue to work on our popcorn words and increasing the difficulty and length of the words.
  • Week 17

    This week we will be working on understanding that our popcorn words can be put together to create sentences. Throughout this week, we will be working on writing all of our popcorn words and putting them into sentences. We will not introduce any new popcorn words until next semester.
  • Week 18

    This week will be our last week of the semester and also the last before Winter break. Therefore, we will pause on our examination of popcorn words and work on stretching out winter words and drawing pictures of these words.