(KS) The Maze Runner by James Dashner, Fiction, 374

  • Chapter 1-3, 17 pages

    Thomas wakes up in an elevator, only knowing his name and none of his past. The doors of the elevator open to the Glade= a large enclosure with simple necessities, holding about 60 boys in the same situation as Thomas, though the rest had been there longer than he has. He is getting acquired to his new enviroment, and relizes he does not like it at all. Thomas is scared of what is to come.
    1-17, total= 655 pages.
  • Chapter 3-6, 19 pages

    Thomas is searching for answers and the boys have decided to hold their tounges, Yet he still was able to learn about the maze surrounding the Glade; how every day the doors open and every night they close once more, enticing them with what's inside. However a boy venturing in to the maze, called a runner, might get attacked by the stinging grievers. Thomas realizes that the surroundings are familiar and that he might have been there before. He knows he must become a runner.17-36 total= 674.
  • Chapter 6-10, 36 pages

    Thomas is taken on a tour were he learns about grievers, the maze, the griever's sting, and the organized layout of the glade. The one rule of the glade is to never go in the maze if you are not a runner, or you will be killed. Halfway through the tour the alarm goes off, rousing the boys to the box were all of them arrive from. This is odd because only one new kid comes a month, Thomas has already come, and the newcomer is a girl! She brings one message= she is the last one. 36-71 total= 709.
  • Chapter 10-14, 21 pages

    Thomas is attacked by Ben the sick boy, who says Thomas is going to be the end of them. While Ben is locked up to await his sentence, Thomas tries to busy himself and meets the Keeper of the Runners, Minho, who ran back before the time of return with news= he'd found a dead griever! Ben's punishment is to be banished to the maze. The entirety of the Gladers meet before the close to see him off when he will be attatched to a pole by a dog collar, and pushed inside the maze doors.71-92 total= 730.
  • Chapter 14-24, 60

    Thomas continues to explore potential jobs within the Glade. Alby and Minho went off the retrieve the dead griever for study, but are not back when they are supposed to be, and search parties are forbidden. As the door closes Thomas spots them and goes inside before the door shuts. Alby had gotten stung, and now Thomas had to find a way to survive in the maze. After a crazy night of manuvers and escape, Minho and Thomas killed 4 grievers and saved Alby's life.92-152 total= 790.
  • Chapter 24-28, 24 pages

    A gathering is called to see what to do with Thomas, and it is decided that he will spend one day locked up for punishement, and then become a runner. Gally threatens to kill Thomas for not being banished and goes crazy for being disprespected by his peers. Alby went through the changing and tells the boys to protect the maps and the comatose girl, saying that all is going to change. Tensions are running high over Thomas' past, and the gladers' futures.152-176 total= 814.
  • Chapter 28-31, 20 pages

    After talking to Alby, Thomas and Newt are alerted that no one can find Gally as Newt is saying that they need Thomas to remember. He says if Thomas can't remember something soon, he may need to go through the Changing. In a desperate attempt to find something, Thomas goes to see the girl, discovering that she can talk to him in his mind. Finally, when Thomas gets locked in the Slammer for the day, Chuck comes to talk to him and admitts how scared he is. Thomas will save him.176-196, total= 834.
  • Chapter 28- Chapter 37, 44 pages

    Alby releases Thomas and tells him about his memories; how he saw Thomas helping the creators and the world before the Glade, Alby said if given the choice, he would never go back home. Thomas starts his training to be a runner with Minho, and the two of them find the escape hole of the Grievers. After the night of his first day, Thomas awakes to find that the sun has been shut off within the Glade. The girl awakens from her comma, and that night, the doors didn't close. 196-240, total= 878.
  • Chapter 37-42, 32 pages

    Now the gladers have no sun, get no supplies, and have no protection from the grievers. Thomas realizes that he knows the girl Teresa. Th grievers come that night and took Gally who sacrafices himself after returning with the news that the grievers will take the gladers, one by one till the end, and that the maze cannot be solved. Thomas does not believe him becasue he knows there is a code in the maps.240-272, total= 910.
  • Chapter 42- 46, 20 pages

    Thomas gathers up the main characters and shows them that when the maps of the sections are stacked on top of eachother for each day, they spell out letters. The runners go out to explore the open maze for a couple of days, and find that the walls don't move anymore. When Teresa shows Thomas the code they figured out, it doesn't make sense. It spells FLOAT CATCH BLEED DEATH STIFF PUSH. Repeating itself over and over again. 272- 292, total= 930.
  • Chapter 46-51, 22 pages

    Thomas knows that he has to go through the changing so that they could figure this all out. When the grievers came that night and took Dave, Thomas lept at it and let it sting him. After three days of going through the changing, Thomas wakes up and calls a gathering to tell the group what he found. He and Teresa helped the Creators make the maze, everyone was brought there to test who was the fittest, and now Thomas know the way out= They must go through the griever hole. 292- 310, total= 952.
  • Chapter 51- End, 65 pages

    Thomas tells the keepers that someone must go through the griever hole to a control room to shut off the gievers and open an exit, but in order to do this, the grievers would chase and kill the gladers the whole time. 21 boys lost their lives, and the rest escaped. Once they left the maze, the 20 people remaining met the creators. Soon they were ambushed by the rescuers who took them away, told them the story of the flare and brought them to saftey. Or did they? 310-375 , total= 1017.