Kourtney's Timeline


  • Sumerians migrate (Social)

    In 3300 B.C sumerians were introduced as settlers coming for good soil. They created many tools and technology.
  • sumerian farming (Interaction with environment)

    In 3300 B.C the sumerians settled in southern Mesopotamis. This was significant in the sumerians farming.
  • Environmental challenges (Social)

    The Sumerians had many environmental challenges. Some days they had floods, and others no rain at all. (3300 B.C)
  • Expanding (Economical)

    In 3000 B.C the sumerians built a number of cities. This helped in expanding their territory.
  • Civilization (Social)

    In 3000 B.C the sumerians built Umma, Ur, Uruk, Kish, and Langash. These city-states started the beginning of civilization.
  • Wars between Cities (Political)

    After 3000 B.C wars between the cities were happening frequently. This lead to the Sumerian priests and people giving the commanders permanent control.
  • Damage to sumerians (Political)

    From 3000 B.C to 2000 B.C the cities were constantly at war which lead to major damage to the sumerians.
  • Rule of Dynasties (Political)

    In 2500 B.C Sumerian city states were under the rule of dynasties. The dynasties taking over resulted in the growth of prosperous from the surplus food produced on their farms.
  • Gods (Interaction with environment)

    The sumerians believed in many gods, that the gods had controll of the different forces of nature. To impress these gods they built ziggurats. (2500 B.C)
  • Sumerian city-states (Interaction with environment)

    Sumerian city-states were ruled by Dynasties. This leadership kept villages in place. (2500 B.C)
  • Cultural Diffusion (Economical)

    In 2500 B.C cities rose all over the fertile creasent. This process beganb cultural diffusion
  • Writing (Cultural)

    In 2300 B.C the sumerians created cueniform. This system of writing helped record events, astronomy, chemistry, and medicine.
  • Sargon's dynasty coming to an end (Cultural)

    In 2150 B,C Sargon's dynasty came to an end due to violence, invasions, and a famine. It was the end of the first empire.
  • Amorities invade (Economic)

    In 2000 B.C the Amorities invaded Mesopotamia. They beat the sumerians and established their capital at Babylon.
  • Hammurabi code (Cultural)

    Hammurabi put together a set of laws. The laws reinforced the principle that the government had a responsibility for what occured in society. (1792-1750 B.C)

  • Controlling Egypt (Interaction with Environment)

    In 3200 B.C the villages of Egypt were under control of lower egypt and upper egypt. They were said to be under the control of Narmer.
  • Hireoglyphics (Political)

    In 3100 B.C Egyptians developed Hireoglyphics. The Hieroglyphics were written on Papyrus reeds.
  • Social Class (Social)

    The kings, queens, priests, and wealthy landowners stood at the top of the classes. Next it was the merchants and under the merchants were the farmers and peasants. (3000 B.C)
  • System of nuumbers (Cultural)

    In 2700 B.C the Egyptians developed a system of numbers for counting. They used this system to collect taxes.
  • The calender (Interaction with environment)

    In 2700 B.C they created the calender with 365 days, the one we use today. They used this calender to keep track of the flooding to help farming.
  • Theocracy (Cultural)

    In 2660 B.C Pharaohs were viewed as gods and became Egypts kings and queens. This developed the government "Theocracy".
  • Old Kingdom (Cultural)

    The start of the old kingdom began in 2600 B.C. Pyramids built during this time, showed the economic strength, and technology Egypt had.
  • Building Pyramids (Economical)

    In 2500 B.C, the Egyptians built pyramids as burial sites for the pharaohs. Egyptians made the advancement of building huge pyramids.
  • End of Old Kingdom (Political)

    In 2180 B.C, the power of the pharaohs died down. This marked the end of the Old Kingdom.
  • Middle Kingdom (Political)

    The Middle Kingdom restored law and order. The Egyptians improved trade and transportation by digging a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea. (2040-1640 B.C)
  • New farmland (Social)

    The Egyptians drained the swamps of lower Egypt which created thousands of new acres of farmland. They also had a system to trap and channel Nile's floodwater. (2040-1640 B.C)
  • Advancement in Agriculture (Economical)

    In 2005 B.C Mentuhotep II gained control of the entire country. He advance Agriculture.
  • Hyksos (1640 B.C)

    in 1640 B.C the Hyksos moved into Egypt. They were the "rulers of foreign lands".
  • Middle Kingdom is over (Social)

    In 1640 B.C the Middle Kingdom was brought to an end. This was caused by the Hyksos migrating to Egypt.
  • upper and lower split (Economical)

    In 1100 B.C the upper and lower egypt split. New ruling needs to take place.

  • Farming along Indus River (Social)

    In 3200 B.C people were farming in villages along the Indus River. It is said that domesticated sheep and goat were found around here.
  • Improving agriculture (Economic)

    In 3200 B.C people were farming and improving agriculture in villages by the Indus River.
  • Improving cities (Political)

    In 2500 B.C Indus valley filled their streets with buildings made of baked bricks. The poeple of Indus Valley also created a plumbing and sewage system.
  • Trading begins (Cultural)

    In 2600 B.C trading began on the Indus River. They traded with the Mesopotamians and brought luxury goods to Sumer.
  • City Plan (Political)

    In 2500 B.C the Indus Valley created a city plan. They laid the city in a percise grid system.
  • Civilization rose (Social)

    In 2500 B.C Indus civilization rose in part of India and Pakistan. It had flat fertile land formed by the Indus and Ganges River.
  • Largest Citites (Interaction with environment)

    In 2500 B.C Indus valley's largest cities were Kalibongan, Mohen Jo- Daro, and Harappa. The civilization was called Harappan civilization.
  • Proteting from floods (Economic)

    In 2500 B.C poeple of Indus valley layed bricks around their first cities. They did this to protect the cities from floods.
  • Monsoons (Social)

    The monsoons deominated India's climates. The poeple of Indus valley suffered from a blowing of dry air, or a blowing of rain. (2000 B.C)
  • Harappan language (Political)

    In 1800 B.C the harappan created a language with about 400 symbols. This language, to this day, can not be deciphered.
  • End of civilization (Cultural)

    In 1750 B.C the quality of building in Indus valley declined. This is what started the end to Indus civilization.
  • Natural disasters (Cultural)

    I n 1750 B.C cities near the river endured awful disasters. Those who were left after the disasters had no where to farm, so they died off.
  • Cities fall into decay

    In 1750 B.C because the quality of building in Indus valley declined, the citites fell into decay.
  • Aryans (Interaction with environment)

    In 1500 B.,C the Aryans migrated into the Indus valley. Indian civilization grew once again.
  • Aryans (Interaction with economy)

    Aryans take over the Indus Valley.

  • Fossil remains (Social)

    1.7 million years ago fossil remains were found in China. This discovery tell us there were settelers 500,000 years ago.
  • Xi Dynasty (Political)

    In 2000 B.C the first chinese dynasty emerged. The Xia Dynasty help settlements grow.
  • Settlements (Interaction with economy)

    In 2000 B.C settlements along the Huang He grew into China's first cities. They were there before the Sumerians settled in Mesopotamis.
  • Living situations (Social)

    Higher class citizens lived in timber framed houses. The lower class simply lived in hutss.
  • Social Classes (Social)

    Higher class people had better living situations and better opportunities. The lower or middle class had less opportunities and worse living conditions. The lowest class had the worst. (1700 B.C)
  • Developing language (Interaction with environment)

    In 1600 B.C the chinese developed their own written language. This lead to better record keeping.
  • Last Chineese dynasty (Cultural)

    Ming, the last chineese dynasty ended in 1644 B.C. The Ming b.C)dynasty was famous for its exquisite arts and crafts. (1368-1644
  • Mandate of heaven (Interaction with environment)

    In 1000 B.C Zhou brought the mandate of heaven to power. The mandadte of heaven chose the leaer and became central to the government.
  • Literature and arts (Cultural)

    From 907- 618 B.C the literature and arts flourished. This was influenced by the Tang Dynasty.
  • Expansion (Economic)

    In 581 B.C the Grand Cand was built. This helped with expansion.
  • Confucius (Cultural)

    In 551 B.C confucius was born. He studied and taught history, music, and moral character.
  • Quin dynasty (economic)

    In 300 B.C the Quin Dynasty replaced the Zhou dynasty. The quin dynasty falls because of a peasant rebel.
  • Shi Huangdi (Economic)

    In 221 B.C the Shi Huangdi worked to strengthen China. He was a harsh ruler.
  • Han Dynasty (Political)

    The han dynasty came to power in 202 B.C. The Han dynasty improved China's government.

  • Mycenaeans (Political)

    In 2000 B.C the Mycenaeans settled on the Greek mainland. They established a leading city called, Myceane.
  • Tiryans and Athens (Political)

    1600-1100 B.C the Tiryans and Athens kings dominated Greece. Greece had multiple rulersl.
  • Attacks (Interaction with environment)

    From 1600-1100 B.C Mycenae could hold their own on any attack. Their technique was to have warrior kings surround the village and farms and strong rulers contorlled the area.
  • TRade (Social)

    In 1500 B.C Mycenaen civilization came into conthey with the minoab through seaborne trade. This lead to more trade and expansion of new ideas and products.
  • Minoans (Economic)

    In 1500 B.C Mycenaeans came into contact with the minoans and began to trade. The minoans influenced the Mycenaeans.
  • Mycenaean cities (Economic)

    In 1200 B.C sea riders attacked and burned Mycrnsen cities. They were invaded and became weaker.
  • Trojan war (Interaction with environment)

    In 1200 B.C the Trojan war was fought bwtween the mycenaeans and troy. The war lasted for 10 years.
  • 1150 & 750 B.C (Cultural)

    1150 and 750 B.C have no written records. Little is known about that time period.
  • Homer (cultural)

    Homer compose his epics during 750 and 700 B.C. Little is known about his oersonallity, just his work.
  • Messenians (Social)

    The Messenians resented the spartans harsh rule. They turned into a city-state. (650 B.C)
  • Spartas army (Economical)

    The spartan people paid high prices for their military supremacy. Sparta had the most powerful army in Greence. (600- 370 B.C)
  • Cleisthenes (Interaction with environment)

    In 500 B.C Cleisthenes broke the power of the nobility. He organized people into 10 groups where they lived on their wealth.
  • Delian League (Social)

    In 470 B.C the Athen emerged to delian league. This grew 200 city-states.
  • ROME

  • Micheloangelo (Cultural)

    In 1547 B.C Michelangelo designed the dome of saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The ruins of Roman buildings inspired generations of architects.
  • Etruscans (Interaction with environment)

    In 509 B.C Etruscans reached the end of their ruling. The Roman overtrhrew their last king.
  • Invaders (Social)

    Invaders threatend Rome in 494 B.C. The Plebians withdrew and left Rome.
  • Roman Empire falls (Political)

    In 476 B.C Western Roman Empire fell. Thought the empire fell, the Roman culture continues to influence life.
  • Theodosios outlawing(Cultural)

    Emperor Theodosios outlawed public non-Christian sacrifices and religious ceremonies, polytheism gradually disappeared fro the empire. (391 B.C)
  • praetors gaining power(Interaction with environment)

    The Romans began to elect magistrals called praetors. When Rome began to spread the consuls and praetors were usually given military commands. (300 B.C)
  • Pioeletian gets power(Political)

    Pioeletian took power. He changed the empire into an absolute monarch.(284 B.C)
  • Three war series(Interaction with environment)

    The conflict between these two cities eventually grew into a series of three wars continued for 80 years. 246-146 B.C)
  • Hannibal(economics)

    Carthaginian general Hannibal lead a well- trained army and a force of war elephants across the pyrenees and the Alps to invade Italy. Many years Hannibaldominated the Italian-country side and defeating Rome. (218 B.C)
  • Gaius elected(Economics)

    Gaius manus was elected consul. Social unrest reached a new level. (107 B.C)
  • Roman leaders(Social)

    Prompy,Caesar, Erassus, and others took over the Roman Republic as the first Triumvirate. This mean three men would lead. (60 B.C)
  • Julius Caesar(Economics)

    Julius Caesar became one of the most powerful men in the Roman republic. He was governor of the province of gavi.(50 B.C)
  • Erassus death(Social)

    After Crassus died, Eaesart Pompey went into a civil war. Caesar wins and got all control over the republic. The senate declared him as the dictator. (44 B.C)
  • Roman power(Political)

    Romans sacked Jerusalem and killed thousands of jews. All jews were banned from Jerusalem entirely. (66-70 A.D)
  • Greatest Authority(Cultural)

    The greatest authority in medicine lived. He wrote several volumes that summarized all the medical knowledge of his day. (100 A.D)