
  • Before French Imperialized Algeria

    Before French Imperialized Algeria
    Before the French Imperialized Algeria, Algeria was under Islamic Law. Also before the arrival of the French mostly everyone was Muslim and the French Spread Christianity throughout Algeria. The French had to fight off the Ottomans which before the French cames they imperialized Algeria themselfs.
  • French Imperialized Algeria

    French Imperialized Algeria
    The Country that imperialized Algeria was France. France imperialized Algeria in 1848. Before the French could take over Algeria, they had to defeat the Ottomans who had control of Algeria since 1541. The French origionally tried to take over Algeria in 1830 but they got defeated by the Ottomans
  • Why France Imperialized Algeria

    Why France Imperialized Algeria
    France wanted to imperialize Algeria because of how close Algeria is from France. Algeria also bordered teh Mediterranean Sea which meant that they had a major port. France also noticed that the Ottomans started to collapse so it was easier to take over.
  • What rule they had on Algeria

    What rule they had on Algeria
    To control Algeria, France used direct rule. France used their own constitution and replaced the Islamic Law to the French Public Law. They tried to turn Algeria into Little France. What France did to the rule, the Algerians began to be similar to a feudulism syatem.
  • People respond to France

    People respond to France
    Because Algeria was so close to France, France made Algeria use their own laws. Algeria had to use them because they were so close. if France had to go to Algeria, they could get there fast because they were so close. The Algerian people had to follow the new laws.
  • Movement for Independence

    Movement for Independence
    The movement for independence began on November 1, 1954 when the Revolutionary Committee of Unity and Action and the National Liberation Front planned to get rid of France. At that time, French people only made up 10% of the Algerian population with the majority of the people being Algerians. Many people from France and Algeria were killed or tortured.
  • Getting their independence

    Getting their independence
    On July 3, 1962, Algeria finally got their independence from France after being controlled by them for 130 years. Muslim Nationalists fought a bloody war for eight years that ended with over 300,000 people dead.
  • Algerian Civil War

    Algerian Civil War
    In the 1990s, the Algerian Government had struggles with their military. In 1992 a general election was won by an Islamist Party and he started the civil war that ended up killing 150,000 people.