Jewish History

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    Hasmonean Family

    Hasmonean Family
    Under the Hasmonean kings 3 sects of Jews formed in Judaea. Sadducees, priests and wealthy business people and conservatives. Pharisees, liberal citzens studying the applications of the Torah in everyday life. The Essenes made up the group that thought the priesthood was corrupt and retreated to the Dead Sea. Their leader was the "Teacher of Righteousness."
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    2nd Rebellion against the Romans

    2nd Rebellion against the Romans
    In132-134 CE Jerusalem was reduced to ruins, along with all Judean towns. The remaining Jews were forbidden to read the Torah, observe the Sabbath, or circumcise their sons. None were allowed to enter the Jerusalem when it was rebuilt as the Roman city of Aelia Capitolina.
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    The Maccabees

    The Maccabees
    The Maccabean rebellion heppened in 164 BCE when the Hasmon family of priests led a revolt. They won independence from Judaea and established a new and independent kingdom called Israel. It was centered around Jerusalem and ruled by the Hasmon family.
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    Antiochous IV

    Antiochous IV
    Tension rose between traditionalists and those embracing Greek ways. Antiochous IV Epiphanes was the hellenistic ruler of Syria which had political control over Israel. He abolished torahs, killed families that circumsised their sons, and built a temple of Zeus in Jerusalem.
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    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    Judaism became open to cross-cultural religious borrowings. Greek lifestyle and thought were first introduced in the Middle East by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BCE.The rationalistic influences of hellinism led many intelectual jews and priests to the attitude of skempicism rather than unquestioning belief.
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    Ezra was a priest and scribe. He edited and revised the stories of the people in the Pentateuch. In 430 BCE Ezra showed the Torah in a public square for people to see. The " five books of Moses" were accepted as a sacred covenant.
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    Jews were allowede to return to Jerusalem by the Persian King Cyrus.He authorized the temple to be rebuilt and it was completed by 515 BCE
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    King Nubuchadnezzar of Babylonia captured Jerusalem. The Babylonians torched the buildings of Jerusalem. The Great Temple was destroyed and all the sacred items were taken. Many Judaeans were taken to exile in Babylonia
  • Jan 1, 722


    During the reign of King Hoshea, the Kingdom of Israel was corrupt. In the scriptual interpretation, God permitted the strong Kingdom of Assyria to overtake the small country. Assyria took most of the Israelites to exile amoung the non-Jewish people. Israel people became known as the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel." From about 4000 BCE Assyrians trace their ancestors back to the region of Mesopotamia.
  • Jan 1, 1002

    King David

    King David
    King David had reign over the United Kingdom of Israel from 1002- 970 BCE. Originally David sang palms to the first Israeli king, Saul. Saul and his son were killed in battle, making David the new king. He created a prosperus empire and captured the city of Jerusalem and brought the Ark there.
  • Messiah

    Under Roman rule, a popular belief amoung Jews that the Messiah would come at last to rescue the people from their sufferings. By the first century CE, expectations developed that through this Messiah, God would gather the choosen people and not only free them from oppression, but also reinstate Jewish political sovereignty in the land of Israel.
  • Romans

    Conlifcts between the Hasmoneans turned into a civil war. The Roman general Pompey was called in from Syria in 63 BCE to choose between contenders for the Hasmonean throne. Pompey took over the country instead.
  • 1st Rebellion against the Romans

    1st Rebellion against the Romans
    Initiated by anti-Roman militias called Zealots, the Jews rose up in armed rebellion against Rome in 66 CE. The Jewish defenders were slaughtered in the holy walled city of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The Roman legions restroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The temple was never rebuilt, and i now known as the Western Wall
  • King Solomon

    King Solomon
    970-931 BCE. Son of David, King Solomon created the great temple in Jerusalem. The temple held the Ark of the covenant in the innermost sanctum. This was now the central place of worship of God for Israelites. he was the final king before the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah split.