Jackies Timeline

  • Development of Female sex organs

    By the end of the third month, I was a fetus with all of my body parts. I weighted about 3 ounces and was about 3 inches long.
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development & Birth

  • Middle Three Months

    My heartbeat became stronger and my cardiovascular system became increasingly active. My fingernails, toenails, buds for teeth and hair began to grow during this time.
  • Final Three Months

    During this time I became aware of different sounds, such as my mothers voice and heartbeat. I became aware of my mothers smells, such as amniotic fluid. Also, I became aware of my mothers behavior.
  • I was born

    I was born at 10 pm and weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz.
  • Period: to

    Birth to Death

  • Period: to

    The First 2 Years

  • The First 2 Years: Social Smile (Psychosocial)

    At this age, I would express my happiness by smiling in the presence of another person.
  • First 2 years: Binocular vision appears (Biosocial)

    By 14 months of age, binocular vision appeared, thus enabling me to coordinate both eyes to see one image.
  • The FIrst 2 Years: New Sounds (Cognitive)

    By four months of age I began to make new sounds, such as squealing, grunting, yelling and also speechlike sounds.
  • The First 2 Years: Sense of Taste (biosocial)

    At about 18 months of age, I began to learn about a lemon and realized that I did not like them at all. This reaction showed that my sense of taste was acute at this age.
  • The First 2 Years: I began to crawl (Biosocial)

    A little over eight months of age, I began to crawl. My gross motor skills began to develop.
  • First 2 Years: Biosocial

    I had a medical check up on my first birthday and weighed 22 pounds and 4 ounces. Therfore, I almost tripled my weight by my first birthday.
  • The First Year: First word (Cognitive)

    By my first birthday, I was able to speak my first word, which was "mommy."
  • The First 2 Years: I began to Walk (Biosocail)

    Just before 13 months of age, I began to walk well on my own.
  • The First 2 Years: Deferred Imitation (Cognitive)

    At this age, I began to copy the behavior of my parents by pretending to cook on my play stove they had bought me. By doing so, I was demonstrating deferred imitation.
  • The First 2 Years: Stranger Wariness (Psychosocial)

    At about 15 months of age, my mom took us to see Santa Clause and I began to cry when my mom placed me on his lap. I most likely cried due to stranger wariness because I thought Santa was going to take me away from my mom.
  • The First 2 Years: Goal-Directed Behavior (Cognitive)

    At about 14 months of age, I would try to stop my mother from leaving the house by holding onto her leg. By doing so, I was demonstrating goal-directed behavior. I had developed memory from past actions and was aware of cause and effect.
  • The First 2 Years: Self awareness (Psychosocial)

    At about 17 months I was able to look into a mirror and recognize myself. My mom said that whenever I saw my reflection i would point and say "me!"
  • The First 2 Years: nonmaternal care (Psychosocial)

    After 18 months of age my mother had to go back to work, so I began a regular schedule of nonmaternal care. My grandparents were the ones who cared for me while my parents were at work.
  • First 2 Years: Biosocial

    By age two, my brain was almost 3/4 of its adult weight.
  • The FIrst 2 Years: Mental Combinations (Cognitive)

    By age two, I was able to link two ideas together by using mental combinations. For example, I realized that my toy dog was not real, but I also knew that when turned on, it would make a barking sound.
  • The First 2 Years: Temperamental traits (Psychosocial)

    At the age of 2 I was very shy around other people. Whenever I would meet a new person I would hide behind my parents. This may have been genetic or developed by other experiences.
  • The Play Years: Language (Cognitive)

    By the age of two I began to learn the English language.
  • The Play Years: Just-RIght Phase (Biosocial)

    By age three, I had a bedtime routine in place and if it didnt happen just-right, I would become upset. First, my dad had to tell me bedtime stories from when he was little and then he had to lay with me until I fell asleep. At this age, I was most likely in the Just-Right phase.
  • The Play Years: Motor Skills (Biosocial)

    At about age 3, I learned how to ride a tricycle.
  • The Play Years: Fine Motor Skills (Biosocial)

    About 2 months before turning five, I learned how to tie my own shoes. This was great because I no longer had to wear velcro shoes or depend on my parents to tie them for me!
  • The Play Years: Dress-up (Psychosocial)

    My favorite thing to do with my friends and my cousins was to play dress up. We would all put on dresses and high heels that were much to big for us, just to pretend that we were grown-ups.
  • The Play Years: Preschool (Cognitive)

    At age 4 I was sent to preschool. This was when I first learned how to read and write.
  • The Play Years: New House (Psychosocial)

    I moved into a new house and met all of my new neighbors.
  • The Play Years: Motor Skills (Biosocial)

    Just over the age of four, I learned how to catch a ball. This was likely due to the myelination of my corpus callosum and lateralization of my brain, which allowed for increased coordination.
  • The Play Years: Theories (Cognitive)

    At the age of four I began to ask my parents many questions, such as: Why is the sky blue? & Where do babies come from? At this age I was trying to develop a theory to explain things that I did not understand.
  • The Play Years: Motor Skills (Biosocial)

    Around the age of 4, I was able to pour myself a glass of juice without spilling it everywhere. This was a result of my motor skills developing.
  • The Play Years: Best Friend (Psychosocial)

    While in preschool, I met my best friend. I was able to make a "best friend" because I had developed emotional regulation and was able to be friendly to those that I had met.
  • The Play Years: Guilt (Psychosocial)

    After my dad told me not to pet the wild cat in the neighborhood, regardless of what he said, I decided to pet the cat and it bit me. After walking home to my dad with a cut finger, I felt a sense of guilt. I was blaming myself because I did something wrong.
  • The Play Years: Dance (Cognitive)

    I had my first dance recital when I was five. After watching the video tape, I noticed that throughout the recital I was looking at the girl next to me for guidance on what I was suppose to be doing next. By doing so, I was learning the correct dance moves through guided participation.
  • The Play Years: Motor Skills (Biosocial)

    By the age of five, I was able to ride a bike with no training wheels. I was able to ride independently, with no assistance or support.
  • The Play Years: Appearance (Cognitive)

    The first time my mom went out of town, my dad dressed me and did my hair. I was then upset because I thought I looked like a boy. My clothes didn't match and my hair was in a low pony tail. At this age, I was demonstrating the stage of preoperational thinking and was focused on appearance.
  • The Play Years: (Psychosocial)

    At the age of six, our cabin burnt down. This was a very sad time for our family because we had made a lot of memories in our cabin. WIth the support of our family, we decided to rebuid the cabin.
  • The Play Years: Vaccinations (Biosocial)

    Before starting school, I had many of my childhood vaccinations. By doing so, I was able to develop immunity to many childhood diseases that are common during the school years.
  • The Play Years: Self-care (Biosocial)

    By this age, I was quite independent. I was able to bathe, dress myself and eat without the help of my parents.
  • The Play Years: Elementary School (Cognitive)

    At the age of six, I started elementary school. This is where I learned to master my math, reading and writing skills. I also learned about science, history, art, mustic, physical education and geography.
  • The Play Years: Body Changes (Biosocial)

    By the age of 6, I weighed 45 pounds and was 44 inches tall.
  • The School Years: Spanish (Cognitive)

    In the first grade, I stared to learn Spanish in school. We stared off by learning the days of the week, numbers and colors. We then learned the names of clothes, animals and family members. After we progressed, we learned how to speak in sentences.
  • The School Years: Math (Cognitive)

    By the end of first grade, I mastered my addition and subtraction skills.
  • The School Years: Church (Psychosocial)

    By this age, my family and I would go to church every sunday. While there we would pray and listen to the weekly message.
  • The School Years: Learning to use a Computer (Cognitive)

    By first grade, I began learning how to surf the web and how to type on a computer.
  • The School Years: After School Program (Psychosocial)

    Starting in the first grade, my parents enrolled me in the latch key program. This was an afterschool program where my sister and I would stay until my parents were able to pick us up from school. This program enabled us to have a functional routine and offered security and stability while my parents were working.
  • The School Years: Religious Education (Cognitive)

    At the age of seven, I began religious education at my church.
  • The School Years: Physical Activity (Biosocial)

    In second grade, I joined a youth softball league. While playing softball, I learned the importance of teamwork, cooperation and fair-play. The maturation of my brain and body enabled me to be a good player.
  • The School Years: Moving Houses (Psychosocial)

    In the third grade, my family and I moved into a new house. We moved close enough to my elementary school, so I was able to stay at the same school. Therefore, I was able to keep the same friends at school, but I had to meet new friends in my new neighborhood.
  • The School Years: Piano Lessons (Biosocial)

    At age ten, I began piano lessons.
  • The School Years: Multiplication & Division (Cognitive)

    In fourth grade, I masterd my multiplication and division skills.
  • The School Years: Poems (Cognitive)

    In fourth grade, I began to write poems. My first poems were about my dog, zoe.
  • The School Years: School Play (Cognitive)

    In fourth grade, I was in my first school play. I had developed a form of thinking called metacognition.
  • The School Years: Best Friend (Psychosocial)

    At age 11, I met one of my best freinds, Rachel. We spent time playing during school and after school.
  • Adolescence: Puberty Begins (Biosocial Development)

    At about this age, I began a stage of physical growth and sexual maturation called puberty.
  • Adolescence: Conflicts at home (Psychosocial)

    In high school, my sister and I would always argue about simple things. Most of the time we would get mad at each other for taking each others clothes or socks. Once we both reached a higher level of emotional maturity, this was no longer an issue.
  • Adolescence: Laptop (Cognitive)

    I bought my first laptop and learned how to use it for my education throughout high school.
  • Adolescence: Cliff diving (Cognitive)

    During high school, my friend and I would go cliff diving in Canada at her cabin. We would climb pretty high on giant rocks and jump into the water. At the time, I thought the fun was worth the risk. .
  • Adolescence: Sleep Patterns (Biosocial)

    As a teenager, I quite often had uneven sleep schedules. I would stay up very late and wake up early for school the next morning. Hormones from my pituitary gland may have caused a "phase delay" in my sleep patterns.
  • Adolescence: Boyfriend (Psychosocial)

    I met my high-school sweetheart in 11th grade. This was my first long-term relationship.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Graduation (Biosocial)

    Graduation from high school. By this time I was mentally, emotionally and physically ready to graduate and begin a new chapter in my life, college.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Beginning of College (Biosocial)

    At the age of 18, I began the Nursing program at the University of Detroit Mercy.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Exercise (Biosocial)

    Currently, I exercise about three times per week. By doing so I am able to maintain a stable weight, strengthen my heart and lungs, and decrease my chances of developing depression, osteoporosis, heart disease and arthritis.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Linked Lives (Psychosocial)

    Currently, my parents are helping me pay for half of my tuition. They also support me through the stresses of school and are always there for me when I need them. My parents also support me by providing me with medical care, a car, car insurance and and food. And for this I am grateful.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Job on College Campus (Psychosocial)

    This year I was offered a position to become a Resident Advisor on campus. I will work at this for a job until I graduate college. During this job I will have contact with all of the residents in the dorms on campus and will get to know all of my coworkers as well.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Religion/ Philosophy (Cognitive)

    Before graduating college, I hope to further integrate spirituality into my life and I also hope to establish a meaninful philosophy for my life.
  • Emerging Adulthood: College Graduation (Biosocial)

    By 2014 I will have graduated from college with my bachelors of science degree in nursing. By this time I will be mentally and emotionally prepared to enter the workforce as a nurse.
  • Emerging Adulthood: NCLEX (Cognitive)

    After graduating from the Nursing Program at UDM, I will take my state test (NCLEX) to prove that I have obtained the knowledge needed to care for patients in the state of Michigan.
  • Adulthood: Marriage (Psychosocial)

    After I finish my undergraduate degree, I would like to get married.
  • Adulthood: Back to School (Biosocial)

    At the age of 26 I will go back to school for an advanced practice nursing degree. I will get my degree in nurse anesthesia or nurse midwifery. While in school I will learn about my new profession and make connections with employers.
  • Adulthood: Parenthood (Psychosocial)

    After I am done with graduate school, I would love to begin having children. Also, I would like to adopt a child in need of a family. By doing so, I will begin a new stage in my life called parenthood.
  • Adulthood: Crystallized Intelligence (Cognitive)

    By the age of 30, I will have started to develop crystallized intelligence from years of education and experience. I will have accumulated information, facts and knowledge about my profession and life in general.
  • Adulthood: Exercising & Eating Healthy (Biosocial)

    At the age of 30, I will continue to eat healthy and continue to exercise in my free time. I want my healthy lifestyle to influce the lifestyle my children choose to live.
  • Adulthood: 1st gray hair (Biosocial)

    At the age of 37, I will get my first gray hair and my kids will begin to call me an old lady.
  • Adulthood: "Selective Expert"(Cognitive)

    By this age, I will have enough experience in my career and in my hobbies to become a "selective expert". I will be an expert when it comes to compassionate carring and also in one of my hobbies, photography. I will learn to love all that I do.
  • Adulthood: Retirement (Psychosocial)

    I would like to retire by the age of 55. After doing so, I will be able to spend all of my time with my children and grandchildren. Also, I would like to travel at this time.
  • Adulthood: Grandparenthood (Psychosocial)

    By the age of 55, hopefully my husband and I will be grandparents.
  • Late Adulthood: Nutrition (Biosocial)

    By this age, I will pay particular attention to my diet and will be sure to get enough vitamins, particularly B12 and folic acid to prevent future memory losses.
  • Late Adulthood: Volunteer Work (Psychosocial)

    At this age, I will become a volunteer at a local childrens hospital and I will also volunteer at my church.
  • Late Adulthood: Travel (Psychosocial)

    By this age, I will begin to travel with my husband to different places and explore everything we would like to do before dying. Also, I would like to take a few vacations with my kids and grandchildren. Buying a house in florida may also be a possibility.
  • Late Adulthood: Skin and Hair (Biosocial)

    By this age, my skin will start to show "age spots," my hair will be white, and I will have more wrinkles due to the loss of elasticity and collagen of my skin.
  • Late Adulthood: Arthritis (Biosocial)

    By the age of 70, I may have developed arthritis because it runs in the family. Instead of heavily medicating myself, I will use nutrition to help deal with the health problem.
  • Late Adulthood: Life Review (Cognitive)

    By this age, I will begin to assess my life through a life review. I will compare the past with the present, remember old times and tell stories to my grandchildren so they can learn about life in the "old days."
  • Late Adulthood: Creativity (Cognitive)

    In late adulthood, I will begin to use creative expression by painting, drawing, making ceramics, scrapbooking, and quilting. I will make all of my grandchildren picture quilts for their graduation presents.
  • Death & Dying: Plans (Psychosocial)

    Before dying, I will talk about my will with my family to prevent any confusion after I pass away. I will also make funeral arrangements and buy a burial plot so my family will not have to worry about the costs. Also, I will say "i love you" every time i visit my kids and grandchildren.
  • Death & Dying: Emotions (Cognitive)

    Before dying, I will have many emotions, probably in the following stages described by Kubler-Ross: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Accecptance.
  • Death & Dying: Body (Biosocial)

    Before dying, my body processes will begin to slow down. My heart rate will slow down, my pulse will slow down, my breathing will slow down and my organs will begin to shut down.
  • Death

    On my 100th birthday, I will take my last breath. I will die in the presence of my family and will let them know how much I loved them all. I will hopefully die a peaceful death and will ask for a hug and a kiss from each of my children and grandchildren. I will tell my family not to be sad about my death, but to celebrate the life that I had enjoyed so much. I will die in my husbands arms on my 100th birthday, September 20th 2091.