Italy 1800-1914

  • Napoleon declares the Kingdom of Italy

    Napoleon declares the Kingdom of Italy
    Napoleon conquered most of Italy by 1799 but declared turned the Republic of Italy into a Kingdom for his own constitutional status.
  • Napoleon falls - the Continental System

    Napoleon falls - the Continental System
    Napoleon creates a system that attempts to boycott trade from England. He wants to cut off ties to England and let their state fall. This fails as he lacks the support from other countries, leading to his state of Italy to fall and many states emerged.
  • The Reunification begins

    The Reunification begins
    Congress of Vienna was the detonator in the reunification of Italy. The Congress established a political order in the country until the fully unified country in 1871.
  • Venice joins Italy

    Venice joins Italy
    Kingdom of Italy begins as all the separate states join before 1861. Once the Roman Empire of the west fell people fled into Venice, inflating its population. This pushed the now growing city into joining Italy's new state.
  • Mafia killings

    Mafia killings
    In Sicily, the Mafia begins to kill people who were against feudalism. The killings were committed by privileged people because of the nature and who they killed. They killed many people who did not believe in feudalism .
  • Rome becomes capital of Italy

    Rome becomes capital of Italy
    Rome becomes capital of Italy, is a compromise and a strong state to represent Italy's power. Rome was a great capital for Italy with wonderful landscapes and beautiful landmarks that represent Italys natural beauty.
  • Italian Immigration to the US

    Italian Immigration to the US
    Over 4 million Italians immigrate to the US in search of a better economic future. They immigrants felt a war coming, and knew that their country would be involved. So for their own safety they fled to the US.
  • Treaty of Bardo

    Treaty of Bardo
    Benedetto Cairoli was an Italian political figure who was very influential in the government until the Treaty of Bardo. France's treaty was terrible for Italy's economics as it took control of Tunisia. This removed some control and Trade for Italy.
  • Telegraph was created

    Telegraph was created
    Marconi creates the first wireless telegraph and is extremely effective. It saved so many lives and ended years of isolation of other countries.
  • Italy joins World War I

    Italy joins World War I
    Italy joins the war on the side of the allies. As they were promised many different cities because of their border with Austria. They joined through the London treaty in agreement to enter the war.