Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

  • The UN partition

    The UN decided to divide the Britissh-controlled Paelstine into Arab and Jewish states. Arabs rejected the partition.
  • Israel declares independance

    Six Arab states attack, Israel defeats them and they enlarge their territory.
  • Six Day War

    After Egypt sends away the UN and prepares its army, a surprise attack from Israel comes. Syria Jordan and Iraq join. A lot of land is taken from various regions.
  • Period: to

    Present Day issues

    Jewish settlements with the OT which are illegal, believing that the OT belong to the Israelis. Palestinians are not allowed to entter these territories
  • Yom Kippur War

    Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack on Israel forces on the holiday Yom Kippur
  • Peace between Israel and Egypt

    After Anwar Sadat’s surprise visit to Jerusalem, Jimmy Carter breaks peace between Israel and Egypt. Egypt is the first Arab nation to recognize Israel. Israel withdraws from Syria.
  • Period: to


    1987- Palestinians begin an uprising.
    1989- First suicide attack on civilians in Israel
    Lasts until 1990