Israeli/Palestine Conflict

By mb19609
  • Period: to

    Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

    A war over a holy land causing lots of violence and war.
  • The United Nations trying to claim part of Israel

    In 1947, the United Nations voted to partition the then British-controlled Palestine into Arab and Jewish states.
  • Six day war

    Israel declares it independence in May of 1948
  • Six day War

    The jewish and arab people started to attack eachother for six days and this was later on known as the six day war.
  • Maintaining Settlements

    The israeli people are trying to expand their land and each of te communities are surrounded by safety zones where Palestinians are not allowed to farm, and have roads that Palestinians are not allowed to use.
  • Yom Kippur War

    On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israeli forces in Sinai and the Golan Heights.
  • Breaking the peace between Egypt and Israel

    Jimmy Carter brokers peace between Egypt and Israel. Egypt becomes the first Arab nation to recognize Israel, and Israel withdraws from the rest of Sinai.
  • The Intifada

    Palestinians begin an uprising of violence towards the israeli soliders that lasts through the 1900s.
  • The first civilian attack

    The first ever suicide attack on civilians in Israel occurs.