Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • First ZIonist Congress

    First ZIonist Congress
    The belief of jews living in their own land of Israel, Return of their homeland.
  • McMahon-Hussien Correspondence

    McMahon-Hussien Correspondence
    Sharif Hussein (ruler of muslim holy city of mecca) agreed with britain and join the war with them. Only if britain granted them most arabian land.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Britian declared to promised them the land of Israel.
  • Period: to

    British Mandate for Palestine

    After the war britain gained Israel, Jordan, The west bank, and Gaza Strip. There was area available in transjordan 75% of the land for jews. Arab population increased neighboring the jews and began conflict. Due to that jews began having limited amount of migration.
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    The holocaust and world war ll

    Nazi Germany attacked and conquered most of europe but mostl the jews. Nearly killing 6 million jews, and the jews were all alone with no support. After the Holocaust jews began to increase in population and power.
  • UN Partition Plan

    UN Partition Plan
    The UN General Assembly areed to make Israel a jewish and arabian state. jews were pleased but the arabs weren't.
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    1948 War

    Arab did not like the idea of sharing Israel land with the jews so then attacked them. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq attacked them and took their land. Gaining more than what they have been given.
  • Establishment of PLO

    Establishment of PLO
    In 1964, Palistine Liberation Organization was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and creating a Palestinian state in its place.
  • Six-Day War / 1967 Arab-Israeli War

    Six-Day War / 1967 Arab-Israeli War
    In the days before the war, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq moved their armies to Israel's borders. Egypt, closed the informational water way, the Straits of Titan, to all Israeli shipping, an act of war in international law. This was controlled by the Arab leadder. In a result Israeli send a striker to the army bases and gained more land.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    After the war in which Israel gained land from and rejected to give back. They began to consrtuct buildings and posts to protect thei popular cities.
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    Khartoum Resolution/ Attrition Battles/ The war of attrition

    IN this the cause was the stubborness of arab and not form any kind of agreement with Israel. They began attacks on Israel by highjacks and terrorist attacks.
  • OCtober War/ Yom Kippur War/ 1973 Arab-Israeli War

    OCtober War/ Yom Kippur War/ 1973 Arab-Israeli War
    Egypt and Syria Attacked Israel in Yom Kippur, the holiest day in a Jewish Year. Israeli manages to push the Arabians back. Although outnumbered, Israeli had the power to get through the war and win.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt signed an agreement in which will be peace between Israel and Arab Sponsored by an american.