Israeli Palestinian

  • United Nations Partition Plan

    The United Nations recommended a partition of mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. This event brought religious and economic rights for the 2 places of Israel and Palestine. (
  • 1947-1949 war of Palestine

    In Israel known as the war of Independence, started 11-30-1947 and ended 6-20-1949. This was the first war of Israeli and Palestinian conflict. (
  • Six Day War

    This is the third war of Arab. It was Israel vs. the forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. (
  • Munich Massacre

    Lasting from September 5th, to 6th, in 1972, a massacre happened during the summer Olympics in 1972. In Germany, attacked by the Palestinian Terrorist Group black September, they killed 2 members of the Olympics team. (
  • Camp David Accords

    A peace treaty between two countries, Egypt and Israel. This was the first treaty between Israel and its Arab neighbors. “”
  • Lebanon War

    Dubbed in peace for Galilee, by the Israeli government. This is known as the first Lebanon war. (
  • First Palestinian Intifada

    From 12-8-1987, to 9-18-1993, the first intifada was a series of Palestinian protests and violent riots in the West Bank. The riots were against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. (
  • Oslo Accords

    Yitzhak Rabin and Mahmoud Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements. Mahmoud is in the PLO and Yitzhak is the prime minister of Israel. (
  • Pullout from Lebanon

    Israel has withdrawn all its forces on Lebanon. This was in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 425. (1978) (
  • Israel-Gaza violence

    A ceasefire between Israel and Palestine killing 44 people. This war lasted 11 days in May of 2022. (