Israeli- Palestine Timeline

By SairaB
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The first announcement of establishing a home land for the Jewish in Palenstine
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    Not Done

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    The Holocaust

    It all happened when Adolph Hitler came tooo power in Germany. The Nazis instigated their first action against German Jews by announcing a boycott of all Jewish run buisness, The Jews were not allowed to do anything, cisit parks, go to tdoctors, they lost their jobs, and home. The Nazis would put them in concentration camp and a death camp and urban ghettos, they would feed them very llittle and have them working,
  • UN General Assembly

    The United nations general assembly passed a resolution calling for Palenstine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews, which allowed the formation of the Jewish state of Israel.
  • Establishment of Israel

    The mass deportation of a million Palenstinians from their cities and villages, massacres of civillians, and the razing to the ground of hundred of Palenstinians villages.
  • Formation of the PLO

    The Arab governments wanted to create a Palestinian organisation that would remain essentially under their control.
  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    It happened in Munich Bavaria in Southern West Germany. When 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer, by the Palestinian group Black September.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    The war started with a surprise Arab attack on Israel. The Egyptian and Syrian military forces launched an attack knowing that the military of Israel would be participating in the religious celebrations associated with Yom Kippur.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The Camp David template governed the Mideast for thirty years. The Palestinians were stateless in 1979, the Israel lobby displayed the muscle to define the limits of what an American president might plausibly achieve.
  • Palestinian intifada

    Palestinian intifada
    The Israelis started to buy land around the West Bank and gradually started taking over the area through their adulterated military dominance. Palestinians were suddenly prisoners in their own land with their social, economic and political rights in tatters. Palestine started to get expelled from mostly everything even their rights.
  • Madrid Peace Confrence

    Madrid Peace Confrence
    The Madrid peace conference was a watershed event. Israel entered into direct, face to face negotiations with Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinians. In order to make this possible, since Israel would not negotiate with the terrorist PLO, the Palestinians were represented by individuals from the West Bank and Gaza who were not associated with the PLO.
  • Oslo Peace Accords

    Oslo Peace Accords
    Palestinian and Israeli officials said they had reached an agreement and athe full series of agreenment because known as the Oslo accord.
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    Six Day War

    The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states coordinated a massive attack on Israel. After the 1956 Suez Crisis, the United Nations had established a presence in the Middle Eastet at sensitive border areas.