Israel-Palestine Timline

  • Balfour declaration

    Declaring a new homeland for the jeweish religion.
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    lewish expelled

    Jeweish people were evacuated from their lands
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    The Holocaust

    Throough out this time jews where execauted and torchered very badly. Millions of them died.
  • The Partition

    Palestine was being divided and given to Arabs, and the jews. This allowed the formation of a jewish state named Irael.
  • Establishment of Israel

    ON this date the jewish council gathered to approve the establishment of Irael. !
  • Establishment of the PLO

    THe Arab governments wanted to create a palestinian organization undere their control. An the PLO was created.
  • Six days war

    srael against Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Israel faced a blockade and nothing was going in. Israel had gained lost land and it was chaos.
  • Munich Olympics massacre

    PLO's Black September terrorists. !
  • The yom kippur war

    On october sixth the combined forces of Syria, and Egypt attacked Israel and its military was of celebrating for the jewish holiday. they were caught of guard. israel fought and recovered lost land.
  • Camp David Accords

    On this date there was a treaty between Egypt and Israel. It took months of diplomatic events for the treaty. Both Egypt and Israelhad conduct that was given and they had to follow.
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    The first Intifada

    Intifada means shaking off in Arabic. This was an uprising of the Israelis occupation of the Gaza strip, West bank, and East jerusalem. An Israeli truck crashed into a Palestian trauck carrying workers and kiled four of them. The occupied territories had rebellions because of what had happened to the four. young people carried on the intifada and goal was to have palestine's independence and to finsh the Israel occupations.
  • Oslo Peace Accords

    Israel and Palestine sat down for agreements. A treaty was made in Washington D.C. This was a bigger step to acheiving peace between them in the future.
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    The second Intifada

    Palestine and Israel were in violence where many civilians and military soldiers died. There timated 3,000 palestinians dead. And ther 1,000 israeli's deaths.