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Israel Palestine Timeline

By hablej
  • Arab-Israeli War

    Arab-Israeli War
    After Israel was established as a national state for the Jews, land formerly known as Palestine was 'given' to the Jews in the new found Nation of Israel. After losing their land, Palestinians joined by other neighboring arab countries fought over the land. This fighting carried from 1948 into 1949. Tensions in this area still exists between the Israeli Jews and the Arabs of former Palestine. This image shows a family returning to their home in Palestine, whic was now controlled by the Jews.
  • Armistice Agreements

    Armistice Agreements
    These agreements were not attempts at substancial peace. They didn't include any negotiating or clauses that would normally be seen in a document with 'Armistice' in the title. They were cease fire pleas, in an elaborate format. This shows that towards the beginning, there was little to no efforts of stopping permanently, only temporarily.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Following Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser's decision to nationalize the Suez canal, Israeli armed forces invaded Egypt headed twards the canal. French and British forces joined Israel and a crisis had started. Eventually, with the aid of the soviets, Egypt was able t push Britain, France and Israel.
  • Organization of the PLO

    Organization of the PLO
    The Palestinian Liberation Organization was created in Jordan to have one big umbrella for all the smaller Arab organizations created to help take back land that was granted to Israel. This group is seen in many eyes as a terrorist group and has marked its place in the history of the Arab-Israeli War.
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    Egypt had closed in on the Straits of Tiran, a group of sea passages vital to Israel for imports, exports and other business. Because of this, Israel launched a strike against Egypt. Eventually, Jordan and Syria joined in the efforts with Egypt*. After 6 days, Israel gained the Sinai peninsula, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Due to the fighting and gains by Israel, Middle Eastern deplomacy would be hard in the future.
  • Khartoum Summit

    Khartoum Summit
    Following the War in June, the leaders of the Arab world met together to discuss the actions needed to take place following their defeat. Israeli leaders watched on with anticipation to see how they would react. The three noes were devised here. No recognition, no negotiation, and no peace with Israel.
  • The War of Attrition

    The War of Attrition
    Egypts plan was to slowly weaken Israeli forces over time, especially at the Sinai peninsula, so that Egypt could take back what they had lost from the Six Day War. The war ended inconclusive in 1970, and there was no gain or swap of territory.
  • Black September

    Black September
    Following the Jordanian civil war between the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and the Hussein regime, the Black September movement was created. This movement would help avenge for the Palestinian lives lost in Jordan. Various terrorist attacks, such as those carried out at the 1972 Olympics in Munich (holding Jewish athletes captive) were carried out by The Blak September group.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in efforts to surprise Israel and regain territory lost in the 6 Day War. Egypt had gained a severe hold in the Sinai Peninsula, but Syria struggled to recapture the Golan Heights. Iraq joined the efforts, and Jordan came to aid Egypt. Once again, a Israeli-Egyptian cease fire was found. Syria felt as though Egypt had hurt them and kicked them out of the Arab League.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Israeli Prime Minister Begin and Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat met in the Presidential escsape at Camp David in Maryland, where the two discussed peace with US President Jimmy Carter serving as a mediator. This was Israel's first attempts at creating a peace treaty with one of its Arab neighbors.