Israel Jewish Palestine

By shawdes
  • 135

    begging of jewish diaspora

    assyrians conquered Israel and then hebrew inhabitants were scattered around the middle east
  • 135

    rome takes Jews homeland

    Rome finally decited to take the Jews homeland
  • jews incouraged to reclaim homeland

    Sir Henry Finch encouraged Jews to reclaim their homeland
  • the Zionist movement

    first wave of european jewish immigration to pasteline
  • split arab lands

    Syres Picot agreement of spliting Arab lands
  • the balfour declaration

    the balfour declaration was written
  • british divided region

    the British divided the Region into two
  • British white paper

    jews population grew and now the British white paper says jews homeland will be its own state
  • zionist flag raised

    members of the betar jewish youth raised a zionist flag over the western wall and Arabs responded by killing jews in jerusalem
  • partition of pasteline

    porpouse was to terminate the mandates leave the mandatory power and make a plan of partition with echinomic union
  • war on israel

    some countries declared war against israel
  • british took palestien

    the british took palestine and gave it back to the Jews and they moved back to their homeland
  • join to attack egypt

    france britain and israel joined to attack egypt
  • Israel battle

    Israel battled Egypt, Syria, and Jordan and Israel won
  • arab suprise attack on israel

    Israel was caught off guard by the Arab attack
  • The first Intifada

    people refused to pay taxes, boycotts of the israel products and more began to happen
  • israel wont return to their borderds

    israel will not return to their 1967 borders and east Jerusalem jewish settlers will remain under israeli power
  • the second intifada

    this intifada was more bloody and many people were killed and injured
  • arab peace plan

    they asked to make peace with israel and their conflict
  • george w bush declares no violence

    george w bush declares there will be no violence
  • israel withraw from gaza strip

    israel withdrawed from the gaza strip
  • palestinean elections

    hamas won elections
  • israels seige of the gaza strip

    israel attacke inocent people in the gaza strip
  • arab peace

    Arab renewed there peace with israel
  • the secret olmert-abbas negotiations

    their talk was published as the palestine papers