Ancient Israeli timeline

By Naru
  • Period: 1180 BCE to 1040 BCE

    Abraham is endowed by God to be the father Israel

    His family is promised to be the foundation of a nation that is under the authority of God.
  • Period: 1040 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Israeli Exodus from Egypt

    After being enslaved for generations the Hebrew peoples are lead by Moses out of Egypt into the eastern bank of the Mediterranean called Canaan.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 922 BCE

    The kingdom of Israel is established by King Saul

    The area called Canaan is converted into a kingdom for the Hebrews in which all 12 tribes are united. The kings proceeding Saul were David and Solomon; known for their for wisdom and intelligence.
  • Period: 922 BCE to 722 BCE

    Israel divides into Israel and Judah

    Labor revolts break out as a result of high stress brought upon by the construction of the temple and the nation divides into northern Israel and southern Judah.
  • Period: 722 BCE to 586 BCE

    Israel is conquered by the Assyrians

    The Assyrian Empire conquers the northern Israelis and subjugates them to Assyrian rule.
  • Period: 586 BCE to 539 BCE

    Babylonians capture Judah

    The Babylonians capture the kingdom of Judah and the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar orders that the temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem.
  • Period: 586 BCE to 86 BCE

    Israeli Diaspora

    Beginning with the Babylonian captivity the Jewish population begins emigrating to other nations due to unsatisfactory views of their current state. Wherever they go they create their own communities.
  • Period: 539 BCE to 539 BCE

    Persian Empire conquers the Babylonians

    The kingdom of Judah is now under Persian rule since the Babylonians fell to the Persians.