Irali/Palestinian Conflict

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    The land is divided

    In 1947 US Nations to divide up Isreal. Isreal declared independence in 1948. Six Arab states attacked but Isreal defeats them. Control of Jerusalum was then divided between Jordan and Isreal.
  • Six Day War

    Isreal launches a surprise attack. Syria, Jordan, and Iraq join the fighting. Isreal defeats the Arabs. Isrealis captured East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordana, Gaza, and Sinai from Eygpt and the Golan Heights from Syria.
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    Isrealis created and maintained settlements.

    Jewish communities within the occupied territories of West Bank and Gaza. These places are surrounded by safety zones where Palestinians are not alowed to farm and roads that Palestinians are not allowed to use.
  • Yom Kippur War

    oO the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israeli forces in Sinai and the Golan Heights. Isreal repels both armies and a cease fired was declared.
  • Signs of peace

    After Egyptian president Anwar Sadat’s surprise visit to Jerusalem, US President Jimmy Carter brokers peace between Egypt and Israel. Egypt becomes the first Arab nation to recognize Isreal.
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    Palestinians youth threw stones at Isreali soldiers. The first suicide attack on civilians in Isreal occurs in 1989.