Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

  • Submarine

    The Submarine was created by David Bushnell in 1755, It was built in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. The Submarine was created during the war for one person to go inside. The person in the submarine would then submerge himself and attach explosives onto opposing ships in the harbor. The submarine changed society because, during wars, it allowed countries to attack their enemy by surprise.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney on March 14th, 1794. The Cotton Gin was created to make harvesting cotton more easy. It allowed laborers to separate the seeds from the cotton with very little effort. Whitney thought of this idea in a plantation called Mulberry Grove. The Cotton Gin changed society because it made cotton the dominant crop grown in the South and it caused for higher demands in slavery.
  • Phonograph

    Thomas Edison created the phonograph in October of 1877. The Phonograph was able to record and reproduce the recording sound. Edison created the phonograph to record sound. This device was invetned and created in the Menlo Park Lab. The phonograph changed society because it soon allowed people to listen to music and record sounds.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in December of 1879. The lightbulb was first commercially built in Menlo Park, New Jersey. The lightbulb was necessary because it produced light. Before the lighbulb was invented, people used candlse but those weren't always used and were not as bright. The light bulb changed society because now in every building, you see light bulbs. They produce a lot of electricity and with out it we woulc be in complete darkness, besides day light.