inventions of the industrial revolution

  • steam engine

    help to remove water seeped into the bottom of coal mines. there were many inventors such as james watt and thomas newcomen. the harsh winters and growing populations made forest be cut down and england turned to coal but then the coal mines got flooded. newcomen and watt were the two inventors with the final touch.
  • fyling shuttle

    in 1733 the first air carft was put in the air and was "weaving around." inventor did not finaih hia invention because he passed away. shuttle carried cotton or thread. the union did not want to pay him money. left england to france and was never heard from again.
  • gin cotton

    made harvesting a lot eaiser to seperate the cotton from the seed. he wasn`t the first person to invent the machine.became the dominant crop for the south. people made replicas to sell.
  • lightbulb

    thomas edison was the inventor. demostrated his invention at menlo park. when he demostrated the light bulb it worked off a vacum and charred cotton.he demostrated then invented the light bulb.