Inventions in the Industrial Revolution

  • The Mechanical Seed Sewer

    Created by Jeth Rotull, this invention helped lessen the waste of seeds
  • Steam Engine

    Created by Thomas Newcomen it was important in the Industrial Revolution because it was used in steamboats, locomotives and factories which improved manufacturing
  • Crompton's Mule

    Created by Samuel Crompton, it was important to the Industrial Revolution because lots of different types of yarn could be made and it could be made in larger quantities and a lot faster
  • Thames and Severn Canal

    Created by Josiah Clowes, it was important to the Industrial Revolution because it helped make it safer and faster to transport goods
  • First Threshing Machine

    Created by Andrew Meikle, it was important to the Industrial Revolution because it made separating seeds from crops easier and their was less wastage
  • Power Loom

    Created by Edmund Cartwright, it was important to the Industrial Revolution because it made looms which made cloth run faster and many woman replaced men in the making of cloth
  • Cotton Gin

    Created by Eli Whitney, it was important to the Industrial Revolution because it separates cotton and seed and was the birth of mass production. It could produce as much in an hour as humans could produce in a day