inventions during the industrial revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Inventor: Tomas Savery
    Importance: It is used instead of coal. The steam engine was behind the mechanics of the machines skill to move faster and faster.
  • Thomas newcomen steam engine

    Thomas newcomen steam engine
    Inventor: Tomahs newcomen
    Importance: He created a safer and easier version of tomas savery’s steam engine. It is a more effective engine for machines and vehicles.
  • Crompton’s mule

    Crompton’s mule
    Inventor: Samuel Crompton
    Importance: It was used to spin cotton and wool to make yarn and thread. It meant that lots of different types of yarn to be made. Made a lot faster and made larger quantities.
  • Robert foulton’s steam boat

    Robert foulton’s steam boat
    Inventor: Robert Fulton
    Importance: It was a commercial ferry line and also transported goods and materials. It also opened up the American continent to exploration.
  • Reinforced concrete

    Reinforced concrete
    Inventor: Joseph Monier
    Importance: It was the first concrete with metal in it. It was stronger and held more weight. It was used to make arches, buildings and bridges. It allowed the buildings to go taller because bricks had a limited height.
  • The brooklyn bridge

    The brooklyn bridge
    Engineer: Johh A. Roebling, Washington Roebling, David B. Steinman