Trends in internet browser usage jan02 aug06

Internet History

  • Commercial Providers

    The first commercial provider of dial-up access to the internet is introduced:
  • HTML Code

    HTML code is developed by a CERN (European Organizations for Nuclear Research) scientist named Tim Berners-Lee
  • WWW

    The World Wide Web is introduced to the public by CERN
  • Surf the Net

    Surf the Net
    The phrase “surfing the internet” begins to be commonly used. Audio and video is first distributed amongst the internet.

    The White House and United Nations go online, and the number of websites increases to 600. The number of computers connected to NSFNET grows to more than 2 million. The National Science Foundation shows the effort to make a new Internet format that supports the commercial use of the network.
  • Web Browser Wars

    Web Browser Wars
    Microsoft creates Windows 95 Web Browser. It is also the beginning of Netscape Communications. Later that year, Yahoo! is created by two graduate students from Stanford; originally titled “Jerry and David’s to the World Wide Web”
  • Commercial Enterprise

    Compuserve, America Online and Prodigy start to provide Internet access. Three companies go live:, Craiglist and eBay. Finally, the internet’s transformation to a commercial enterprise is completed.
  • Microsoft vs. Netscape

    Microsoft vs. Netscape
    The “Browser Wars” begin between Microsoft and Netscape. is bought by CNET by $15,000
  • Free Browsing

    Free Browsing
    Netscape makes an announcement that its browser will be free. Microsoft’s internet software can now be removed by users due to a settlement with the Justice Department:
  • IP // Google

    IP // Google
    IP Addresses grow and develop, the most used now is IPv4. Google search engine is created.
  • Sharing

    Peer-to-peer file sharing is made possible after the arrival of Napster on the Internet. In addition, AOL buys Netscape.
  • Dot Com/ Internet Security

    Dot Com/ Internet Security becomes popular, as well the idea of internet vulnerability.
  • Copyrights

    Napster is shut down by a federal judge, since the website must find a way to stop users from sharing copyrighted content.
  • Search Engines

    First public appearance of Myspace, Skype, and Safari Web. SQL Slammer Worm becomes viral.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Initiation of the “era” of social networking, Facebook and Mozilla Firefox are created. African software company (OPENWORLD LTD) is opened.
  • Social Media

    Social Media and social news site Reddit are launched.
  • Twitter!

    More services become free and begin making their money through advertisements. Jack Dorsy launches twitter.
  • 40th Year Anniversary

    40th Year Anniversary
    The Internet turns 40 years old.
  • Users and the Internet

    Users and the Internet
    Facebook reaches a milestone of four hundred million users. China internet users surpass 450 million.
  • Revolutionary Media

    Social media plays a role in Middle Eastern revolts, especially Twitter and Facebook.
  • Piracy and Copyrights

    Piracy and Copyrights
    Obama creates the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect Intellectual Property Right. These result into successes for users with copyrighted content, especially when coming from non-profit organizations like Wikipedia or other websites like Youtube and Google.
  • Online Privacy

    A CIA ex-employee discovers that the NSA had the ability to interfere and monitor people’s communications through a program. 50% of Americans use online banks.
  • Social Media Users

    Social Media Users
    Instagram surpasses 400 million users and Twitter 316 million.
  • Virtual Assistants

    Virtual Assistants
    To add on to the various virtual assistants (e.g Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa), Google launches its very own Google Assistant; a very similar voice-automated VA.