Lang. Development : Alert to voices
An infant of 0-2 months is alert to voices, and uses range of noises to signal needs (hunger, pain) -
Reflex : Grasping Reflex
Infants are bnorn with the grasping refelx, a response to a touch on the palm of the hand. -
Reflex : Rooting reflex
Infants are born with the rooting reflex. If an infant is touched around the mouth, he will move his head and mouth toward the source. -
Refelx : Babinski Reflex
Infants are born with this reflex, they fan out their toes when their feet are touched. -
Period: to
Infancy and Childhood
Physical Development: Raise head to 45 degrees
At the age of 2 months, an infant will be able to raise their head to 45 degrees. -
Physical Development : Roll Over
At the age of 3 months an Infant is able to roll over. -
Perceptual Development : Faces
At 3 months, an infant will be able tot ell the difference between a mothers face and a strangers face. -
Physical Development : Sit with support
At the age of 4 months, and infant will be able to sit with support. -
Perceptual Dev. : Color Perception
At the age of 3-4 months, an infant will be able to tell the difference between colors. -
Lang. Development : Makes vowel sounds
An infant at the age of 4-6 months makes voewl sounds ("oo", "ah") -
Physical Development : Sit without support
At the age of 5 1/2 months, and infant should be able to sit without support. -
Perceptual Dev. : Depth perception
At the age of six months, and infant will be able to recognize danger, or have depth perception. -
Lang. Development : Babbles
An infant at the age of 6-9 months starts to babble, blow bubbles, and laugh. -
Physical Development : Pull self to standing position
At the age of 7 1/2 months an infant should be able to pull them selves up to a standing position. -
Physical Development : Walk holding on to furniture
When an infant is about 9 months they will be able to walk. -
Reflex : Suck Reflex
When the roof of an infants mouth is touched, at the age of nine months, the baby will begin to suck. -
Physical Development : Creep
At 10 months an infant will start to creep or crawl. -
Lang. Development : immitates sounds
At 10 months, an infant will be able to immitate sounds, say mama, dada, and respond to simple commands such as "no". -
Physical Development : Stand alone
At 11 months, an infant will be able to stand on their own. -
Physical Development : Walk
At 12 months, an infant will be able to walk.