Industrial Revolution inventors/ Inventions/ Contributions

  • Thomas Newcomen

    developed a steam engine;
    used the vacuum to pull a piston down, which worked the beam engine, which was attached onto a chain which was atta ched to a pump in a mine
  • John Kay

    Flying Shuttle;
    Weaved cloth
  • James Hargreaves

    The spinning Jenny;
    Spun several threads at once
  • James Watt

    Improved Newcomen's steam engine;
    Added a separate condensation chamber
  • Ricahrd Arkwright

    The water frame;
    turned raw cotton into thread by the use of water power
  • Samuel Crompton

    Spinning Mule;
    Produced yarn better than the spinning jenny
  • Henry Cort

    developed ideas for a puddling furnace ;
    allowed for the manufacture of crude,standarised shapes made of wrought iron
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Invented the power loom;
    it weaved much faster than one could with a hand loom
  • Nicolas Leblanc

    Develped the Leblanc system;
    A two step system that sllows you to get sodium carbonate from salt
  • Eli Whitney

    The cotton gin;
    could clean upto 55lbs of cotton daily
  • Robert Fulton

    created a better steamboat;
    a steamboat that could reach 5 mph
  • George Stephenson

    Built first public inter-city locomotive railway line to use steam locomotives;
    made transportation faster