
Industrial Revolution Inventions Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Inventor: James Watt
    Use:Used to power machine.
    Impact: Helped start the industrial revolution
  • Factory Systems

    Factory Systems
    Inventor: Sameul Slator
    Use: All steps of manufacturing occured in one locatiom
    Impact: Increased dgrowth of cities and job oppurtunities
  • Interchangable Parts

    Interchangable Parts
    Inventor: Eli Whitney
    Use: Ability to easily change parts
    Impact: Made repairing things much easier
  • Steam Boats

    Steam Boats
    Inventor: Robert Fulton
    Impact: Faster travel over water/ could go upstream
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    Use: The first highways
    Impact: Made travel much easier
  • Textile Mills

    Textile Mills
    Inventor: Francis Cobat Lowell and Paul Moody
    Use: Converted raw fiber into cloth
    Impact: Kickstarted the american textiles industry
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Inventor: John Calhoun
    Use: Water way linked NYC to Buffalo
    Impact: Made water travel much easier
  • Telegraph

    Inventor: Sameul F.B. Morse
    Use: Communication
    Impact: Almost instant news
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Inventor: John Deere
    Use:Stronger plow, wouldn't break easily
    Impact: You could plow more land
  • Spinning Jenny/Sewing Machine

    Spinning Jenny/Sewing Machine
    Inventor: Elias Howe
    Use: It sewed fabrics
    Impact: More accesable clothes
  • Tanscontinental Railroad

    Tanscontinental Railroad
    Use: Could transport things across the country
    Impact:Made travel and transport incredably easy.