Industrial Revolution Inventions

  • Cotton Gin-Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin-Eli Whitney
    It made so that cotton could be processed easier.
  • Steam boat- John Fitch

    Steam boat- John Fitch
    An engine that uses rapid condensation to generate power.
  • fountain pen-Petrache Poenaru

    fountain pen-Petrache Poenaru
    A pen that has an ink cartridge in it so you don't have to keep dipping it in the ink.
  • Steel Plow- John Deere

    Steel Plow- John Deere
    This was invented because the plows didn't work in the midwest and kept breaking. This also cuts up the soil without the soil sticking to it.
  • sewing machine- Elias Howe

    sewing machine- Elias Howe
    This allowed people to mass produce clothing and speed up the process cause they didn't need to sew by hand anymore.
  • Escalator- Nathan Ames

    Escalator- Nathan Ames
    Allowed people to move up stairs without walking because the stairs revolved.
  • Cereal- John Kellog

    Cereal- John Kellog
    Allows kids to get the start to their day and get good grades in Mr. K's class
  • Dynamite- Alfred Nobel

    Dynamite- Alfred Nobel
    A chemical compound that allowed explosions and was heavily used for blowing up rock.
  • telephone-Alexander Graham Bell

    telephone-Alexander Graham Bell
    This allowed people to call eachother and actually talk instead of the telegraham
  • Radio-Guglielmo Marconi

    Radio-Guglielmo Marconi
    It aloowed vocals to be broadcast throughout the means of radio waves